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We haven't tracked posts mentioning Ratom yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
[Open Source] Lecteur RSS multiplateforme
Is there a service showing Docker Container updates in visual fashion/web splash page?
Check out stringer, it's awesome
What are some alternatives?
Simple rss - A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS parser, but will never do RSS generation.
feedparser - feedparser gem - (universal) web feed parser and normalizer (XML w/ Atom or RSS, JSON Feed, HTML w/ Microformats e.g. h-entry/h-feed or Feed.HTML, Feed.TXT w/ YAML, JSON or INI & Markdown, etc.)
Feedjira - A feed parsing library
Feed normalizer - Extensible Ruby wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers
RSS Monster - Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader written in VueJS with an Express NodeJS backend. RSSMonster is compatible with the Fever API.
The WordpRSS Ruby gem - A simple Ruby interface for pulling a RSS feed of any blog with the wordpress engine
html2rss - 📰 Build RSS 2.0 feeds from websites (and JSON APIs) automatically or with a few CSS selectors.
Screaming Liquid Tiger - Minimalistic podcast feed generator script for audiobooks, for use with Pocket Casts, Overcast and similar apps.