pmrp | pyradio | |
2 | 10 | |
58 | 986 | |
- | 0.9% | |
0.0 | 9.1 | |
about 3 years ago | 23 days ago | |
Shell | Python | |
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | MIT License |
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What would you consider to be best radio apps on linux? I'd really love to find something where you can browse different radio stations by country
Some exist like PMRP but some of the stations don't work so I presume this project was abandoned.
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Do you think vim is outdated as a text editor ?
...I actually used Vim as an internet radio player (something similar to pyradio), wasn't outdated at all.
I made a cli tool to convert m3u to pyradio playlist
It converts m3u files to pyradio ( CSV stations file format.
- radio tray or radio tray ng for mx linux?
- What would you consider to be best radio apps on linux? I'd really love to find something where you can browse different radio stations by country
Linux is the new heroin lmao
Guilty as charged. I just downloaded a terminal/ncurses based radio, PyRadio.
Is it possible to use terminal or ncurses output elsewhere?
There is a program that does almost exactly what you are trying to do already: pyradio. You might try adapting that or at least using it for inspiration/education.
Good CLI radio stream player?
I use pyradio which is a tui for radio streaming that does what you're asking; you can add stations to your liking or browse (which uses the radiobrowser api). Stations are saved to a csv file, which you can edit/import the file or add/edit stations in the tui.
- What do you use for browsing and playing internet radio in Linux?
What are some alternatives?
coindrop - Create a custom webpage for zero-fee payments/donations/tips
playerctl - 🎧 mpris media player command-line controller for vlc, mpv, RhythmBox, web browsers, cmus, mpd, spotify and others.
reciva-radio-patching - Notes how to patch the Reciva radios (Tangent Quattro etc.) to work without Reciva
curseradio-improved - An improved terminal-based web radio player.
QRC - QRC is a simple bash script to decode and encode QR Codes.
tuner - GNU/Linux app to discover and play internet radio stations
BaseStation.sqb - Builds BaseStation.sqb from OpenSky Network CSV file
curseradio - Command line radio player
rgc - rgc: risky-git-command. Even ran a git command only to end up with a messy git repository. Not anymore, rgc allows you to undo git commands.
tera - Interactive Bash script terminal music radio player. Play your favorite radio station, CRUD your favorite lists, and explore new radio stations from your terminal.
asus-fan-control - Fan control for ASUS devices running Linux
pyradio-m3u-to-playlist - A pyradio playlist generator from m3u