
perspective-el | bufler.el | |
30 | 25 | |
918 | 463 | |
0.7% | 1.1% | |
4.2 | 7.4 | |
4 months ago | 11 months ago | |
Emacs Lisp | Emacs Lisp | |
MIT License | GNU General Public License v3.0 only |
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Tmux sessions-like package for Emacs?
I opened a ticket but can’t promise to get around to it soon.
How to simply manage buffers?
I have tried to get this behaviour for a while. The closest I have gotten is using perspective.el, but it ended up being a bit clunky when I tried it like 4 years ago and now I just used bookmark+ which can save/load desktop files as bookmarks.
Doom -> vanilla emacs 29
perspective for named workspaces.
How do you organize and switch between your work/personal Rust projects?
perspective-tabs: perspectives as tabs in the tab-bar
To scratch a personal itch, I created a little package that integrates perspective-el into the built-in tab-bar.
Multi project management - perspective, persp-mode, tab-bar-mode, or...?
But I'm rethinking about my approach, as tab-bar-mode would give me nice visual help (#3), and it seems difficult to recover a perspective using perspective, and persp-mode may be a better fit in that sense (#4). The Treemacs integration isn't working for me either, and I get the same list of file trees for all perspectives -- I'm pretty sure I'm doing something stupid, but this was handled nicely with Doom Emacs's workspace support (#5). But perspective seems to work best for segregated buffer list (#1).
Grouping org headings
I think perspective.el is about what I’m looking for. If you had a list of org-ids, theses could be brought up in indirect buffers, and then those buffers added to the perspective group.
[Perspective.el package] Issues with persp-mode-prefix-key
As for why this broke: this change went into Perspective a few weeks after Emacs 28 shipped. You either updated your packages recently after not updating for a while, or you switched to Emacs 28 (or later). Full discussion surrounding this change:
My IDE is too heavy so I moved to Emacs
It sounds a bit like you want „perspective.el“ (1). It allows you to define „virtual workspaces“ of buffers with individual window layouts. On each virtual desktop the standard buffer list is replaced with a shorter showing only buffers belonging to the current context. I use it every day to keep „code“ buffers separate from my „test“ buffers.
- Emacs 29 is nigh What can we expect?
- Release 0.3 · alphapapa/bufler.el (Dynamic, automatic buffer grouping and workspaces)
Recommendations for window-buffer-layout packages?
No problem, I know that time is limited. There have already been a couple of issues filed about TRAMP, e.g. If you last tried Bufler before those issues were filed, maybe give it another try; otherwise, please do chime in on that one when you get a chance.
- Tmux sessions-like package for Emacs?
Bit new to eMacs but any tips to recreate a similar modern layout?
The package I've written that provides tools for grouping buffers into something like "workspaces" would be Bufler: See bufler-workspace-mode. It has many more features which are described in its readme.
dired navigation without infinite buffers
What are you trying to convince me about? :D :D :D. To start with I recommended to you to use ibuffer, and I can recommend you even to check up Bufler if you are heavy ibuffer user.
Suggestion for a mode/package that groups buffers by frame/projectile?
Bufler has a lot of options in how to group buffers:
Emacs for Professionals
Others have mentioned the awesome projectile, but I think it should be said that Emacs now has built in project.el which has come in leaps and bounds (though probably still lacks some projectile features).
I use project.el alongside consult[1] which has many convenient wrapper functions over built-in ones, like an enhanced `switch-to-buffer` with project support. I am actually using an even tighter integration called consult-project-extra[2].
The most advanced and overkill solution would probably be to use bufler.el[3] which basically allows you to define your custom logic for buffer grouping.
bufferlo: per frame|tab buffer lists
It's not designed to work that way, but it's theoretically possible. Especially, when I refactor parts of Bufler to use Taxy, it will be easy to make certain grouping keys non-consuming. See
New Package: Zetteldesk.el - A tool for revision and outlining built on top of Org-Roam
Regarding the buffer-switching part of this package, you might look at and consider how you could implement it through Bufler.
Buffer-isolated workspaces for emacs with tab-bar and project.el
See also Its readme also links to related projects.
What are some alternatives?
persp-mode.el - named perspectives(set of buffers/window configs) for emacs
doomemacs - An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
persp-projectile - Projectile integration for perspective.el
popper - Emacs minor-mode to summon and dismiss buffers easily.
ace-window - Quickly switch windows in Emacs
dot-emacs - My GNU/Emacs configuration
projectile - Project Interaction Library for Emacs
taxy.el - Programmable taxonomical hierarchies for arbitrary objects
apheleia - 🌷 Run code formatter on buffer contents without moving point, using RCS patches and dynamic programming.
magit-todos - Show source files' TODOs (and FIXMEs, etc) in Magit status buffer