open-simplex-noise-js | plantarium | |
1 | 12 | |
142 | 446 | |
- | 0.0% | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
over 2 years ago | 5 days ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
The Unlicense | MIT License |
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Keep Swimming
I use a javascript library for creative coding called p5.js. Additionally, I use opensimplex noise to determine the "flowlines". These flowlines are what control the position and direction of each individual pill.
Show HN: Simulate 3D Plants in the Browser
This is a neat project but it doesn't seem to render the plant at the moment. It did render plants 20 minutes ago - perhaps the HN load has hurt it?
All of the code is available online, with great documentation. There is, in fact, a server back end for this project:
- Simulate 3D Plants in the Browser
Show HN: Plantarium – Create 3D Plant Models with Blender-Style Nodes
I added a public gallery so you can share your plant designs and download others.
Waiting for the warm days
Wanted to create a scene for some plants I made using my tool Plantarium ( and got a bit carried away :)
Show HN: WebApp to Create 3D Plants
> nope, you made your own
The author calls it Nodesystem. The code is here:
(I went looking for the code so I thought I'd share this.)
SvelteKit App to create 3D plants
Yeah you probably can do that, I tried to keep the view layer totally separated from the model, you can look at the Debug Node. When you register a new NodeType in that way, you have total access to the inner workings and HTML Elements and do anything you want :)
- Website to generate 3D plants
What are some alternatives?
mapgen4 - Mapgen4 procedural wilderness map generator
magic-circle - Creative coding UI
Noisekun - :headphones: Web page for listen combinations of sounds for relax, sleep, or getting more productive on tasks.
X6 - 🚀 JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering.
graph-dungeon-generator - A simple graph-based procedural dungeon generator.
webgl-procedural-environment - Procedural Environment Generation is a project that aims to create a procedural environment using WebGL technologies.
polygonjs - node-based WebGL design tool
Eigengrau-s-Essential-Establishment-Generator - A town generator that is suitable for out of the box play in any fantasy TTRPG setting.
simplex-noise.js - A fast simplex noise implementation in Javascript / Typescript.
Rete.js - Rete.js is a framework for creating visual interfaces and workflows. It provides out-of-the-box solutions for visualization using various libraries and frameworks, as well as solutions for processing graphs based on dataflow and control flow approaches.