obsidian-style-settings | obsidian-spaced-repetition | |
15 | 44 | |
1,163 | 1,452 | |
- | - | |
4.6 | 8.1 | |
16 days ago | 7 days ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 only | MIT License |
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Dataview: Unresolved / Bad Links Script
Supports Style Settings plugin to customize the look and feel. I like customization, so it includes: Font size / color settings. Pretty much everything to customize all aspects. Width settings if you want the table to not use 100% width. External background image URL support (because I like things to look nice)
Question about AnuPpucin Theme
You need the style settings plugin: https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings
Custom Callout CSS not working
Is it possible that my Minimal theme and the Style Setting plugin is overriding the snippet?
How to use Style Settings community plugin in Obsidian ?
Created a my-snippet.css file and pasted the following css code
Make minimal theme look like default theme
The dev of the Style Settings plugin has a css snippet in their ReadMe that "can be used to adjust every CSS variable of the default Obsidian theme."
How do I get rid of this 'dot dot enter' and what is it for?
You can turn it off by using the Style settings plugin and searching for the trailing whitespace setting.
Need help finding a way to make wikipedia-like thing
Style Settings - Allows you to customize certain themes. Works and meshes especially well with the ITS theme, since it has a lot of premade customization looks to try out. One of them is even modeled after D&D 5th Edition's general aesthetic.
Best way to organize code snippets
Now, if you're talking about syntax highlithing inside the code blocks, you can install the CodeMirror options Plugin (Community) and the also the Style settings (Community) to customize your own theme or import it from Codemirror itself.
The minimal theme with the everforest colour scheme is *chef's kiss*
What u/Wrongallalong said .... plus install the Style Settings plugin which adds even more options for configuring Minimal Theme.
Highlight on Minimal Theme
I suggest getting the Style Settings plugin. It works well with Minimal, and offers loads of options for the Minimal theme, including defining the colors for your headings.
Why I Like Obsidian
This is basically what I tried to do using the spaced repetition plugin for Obsidian but it's just not very good yet. I just checked and the author asked for a co-maintainer yesterday. I really hope they can find someone to put a bit of time in because it's a great idea and a great foundation.
Tools I like
Obsidian Spaced Repetition
Space repetition for atomic notes?
I want to create something like flashcard. Not like the usual flashcard with single line question and answer. I have already tried the famous plugins like obsidian-spaced-repetition, obsidian-recall and flashcards-obsidian. But all of them are designed to have multiple flashcards in a single note. Though spaced repetition plugin display my files, everything below white lines are discarded. Im looking for a solution where i can use my existing atomic notes as flashcards. Title of the note should be in the front side of the card and content in the back side. And it should use a similar algorithm and interface used by plugins like spaced repetition. obsidian-smart-random-note This is the only plugin close to what im looking. Unfortunately, it doesn't support Anki algorithm. How can i configure my atomic notes to be severed as flashcards?
Ask HN: How Do You Utilize Your Personal Knowledge Base?
* The idea of putting notes into a "reverse spaced repetition" algorithm where instead of spacing things you've learnt further and further into the future, you are spacing things that are "fruitful" nearer and nearer in the future (and when you have less to add, further into the future, when eventually a note becomes "evergreen"), which can be achieved with https://github.com/st3v3nmw/obsidian-spaced-repetition. This is described better by Andy: https://notes.andymatuschak.org/zJrfPCbY7GcpV9asEc8NTVzXTAV4...
Can you actually study with flashcards in Obsidian and if yes, how?
I believe you're looking for the Spaced Repetition plugin
How could you convert Anki card collections to files in Obsidian?
This is an open task to add support for importing from anki, so hopefully soon
Obsidian to Anki - Export outgoing links from note to anki
Gotcha. You might have a better time with the obsidian-spaced-repetition plugin as a tool to remind you to review notes: https://github.com/st3v3nmw/obsidian-spaced-repetition
Passed SAA-C03 - hurray!!
Sow that you mentioned Obsidian. There is a plug-in which bring you the possibility to create Flashcards: https://github.com/st3v3nmw/obsidian-spaced-repetition. Very helpful when using while learning.
Anyone else frustrated with Obsidian/Anki dilemma?
See for example https://github.com/st3v3nmw/obsidian-spaced-repetition
- Is there any far method, to use ALL my notes with the flashcard method?
What are some alternatives?
juggl - An interactive, stylable and expandable graph view for Obsidian. Juggl is designed as an advanced 'local' graph view, where you can juggle all your thoughts with ease.
Obsidian_to_Anki - Script to add flashcards from text/markdown files to Anki
obsidian-sanctum - A minimalist theme for Obsidian.md, with the aim of creating a serene space of retreat, for thought and uninterrupted work.
flashcards-obsidian - 🎴 An Anki plugin for Obsidian.md
obsidian-kindle-plugin - Sync your Kindle notes and highlights directly into your Obsidian vault
obsidian-smart-random-note - A smart random note plugin for Obsidian
obsidian-iconize - Simply add icons to anything you want in Obsidian.
obsidian-plugin-logseq - A simple plugin to make Obsidian's preview of LogSeq markdown a bit more pleasant.
lucide - Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.
incremental-writing - An incremental writing plugin for Obsidian where you add notes and blocks to prioritized queues and review them incrementally over time, spaced repetition style.
obsidian-minimal - A distraction-free and highly customizable theme for Obsidian.
obsidian-recall - A spaced repetition system for Obsidian!