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A list of JavaScript engines, runtimes, interpreters
TypeScript is the Only Programming Language you Need: TypeScript Everywhere
I hear you loud and clear.
Elk: A low footprint JavaScript engine for embedded systems
This implementation is nuts. A decent chunk (but still very small subset) of ES5 in under 1400 lines of very readable C code. It includes a mark-and-sweep GC and an FFI.
It doesn't have an AST or a bytecode VM. It just interprets directly off of source code.
Take a look: https://github.com/cesanta/elk/blob/master/elk.c.
This implementation really sets a new bar for me in terms of compact-but-readable language implementations.
Separately, this isn't even Cesanta's only embedded JavaScript implementation. They also have: https://github.com/cesanta/mjs. This implementation is a bit more complete and is much bigger.
What is your programming stack, as well encryption with ESP32?
In the past I've programmed with ESP8266 with Mongoose OS using mJS - https://github.com/cesanta/mjs but it has on 1.5K GitHub stars and I assume there are other alternative as well for Python language
Espressif Acquires Majority Stake in M5Stack
> the core C-based stuff
Plug for https://www.nanoframework.net/
- keyboard jiggler that is programmable? e.g. i can specify which keys i want pressed and when
How to create a C# program that waits for user input without consuming a lot of system resources?
https://www.nanoframework.net/ not sure how it good in current state but for those who want use c# on esp32 - its reasonable way)
Can C# be used effectively without .net / .net core?
check out https://www.nanoframework.net/
If I already know C#, should I learn C++ or Rust?
You can do embedded with C#, you can work on microcontrollers, and you can make games in Unity.
Hardware projects where C# can be implemented
Arduino, but runs .Net. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netduino Nano framework let's your write c# for esp32 and whatnot. https://www.nanoframework.net/
bflat - Build native C# applications independent of .NET
Yeah, that's my first thought. I've done some ESP32 programming and tried out nanoframework as my first attempt. Nanoframework is a cool project but I had some problems and ended up having to write everything in C.
School projects
Well, there is https://www.nanoframework.net/ though microbit isn't supported, but ESP32 is
- Functional programming language for embedded devices?
- Gode Programmeringssprog/teknologier
What are some alternatives?
quickjs - Public repository of the QuickJS Javascript Engine.
STM32_stereovision - Open Source stereovision device with STM32
elk - A nimble Mastodon web client
iot - This repo includes .NET Core implementations for various IoT boards, chips, displays and PCBs.
jerryscript - Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things.
ESP32-eduroam - Examples with connection to eduroam powered university networks around the world and then to IoT services or self-hosted websites..
ts2c - Convert Javascript/TypeScript to C
aws-iot-edukit-tutorials - Content repo for the AWS IoT EduKit program
elk - A low footprint JavaScript engine for embedded systems
ExpressLRS-Hardware - STM32/ESP32/ESP8285-based High-Performance Radio Link for RC applications
VEEPort-Espressif-ESP-WROVER-KIT-V4.1 - VEE Port for Espressif ESP-WROVER-KIT V4.1 development board.
nf-interpreter - :gear: nanoFramework Interpreter, CLR, HAL, PAL and reference target boards