
JSHint | node-ffi-napi | |
22 | 3 | |
8,982 | 1,023 | |
0.0% | 0.7% | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
over 1 year ago | 6 months ago | |
JavaScript | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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ESLint adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives
Emerging as a fork of JSLint, JSHint was introduced to offer developers more configuration options. Despite this, it remains less flexible than ESLint, particularly in terms of rule customization and plugin support, limiting its adaptability to diverse project needs. The last release dates back to 2022.
Mastering Node.js
JSHint is a code-checking tool that'll save you loads of time finding stupid errors. Find a plugin for your text editor that will automatically run it on your code.
45 NPM Packages to Solve 16 React Problems
jshint -> Old library
Trouble with Syntax
also, if you are going to code for this sheet and do not know about the website jshint.com, you need to know about jshint.com
I’m trying to play Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo + but it keeps giving me an error. I’ve tried changing the folder location, and renaming the folder… I also tried English, Japanese, and even Chinese locale. Can anybody help?
There is an error in some file. Or maybe some wine shenanigans (never used it). You can try searching for the file item-possessionLimit.js and paste it into something like https://jshint.com/ to get an analysis and try to fix it. But it might give you further errors or file might be packed somewhere.
Trying not to be a jerk to myself. :(
If you are coding for this sheet and you do not know about jshint.com ...
Front-end Guide
Find ES6 features in any JS code
I came across a problem where I had to find the ES6 features used by any javascript project and other data regarding their use. When I reached out to stackoverflow, I could find only one relevant post which asks you to use linters like jshint/jshint or compilers like babel. Jslint didn't seem to report anything specific to ES6 and Babel converts all the ES6+ features to ES5 but doesn't report anything regarding which constructs were used or how many times they were used. However, Jshint reported all ES6 features used in the code along with some metadata. And, to suit my needs, I ended up writing a python script that calls Jshint on all JS files in a project and presents the features used in the project and the number of times they were used across all files. You can find the code here : jsHintRunner
The Why & How To Create A Front-End Website Testing Plan
Javascript Linting parses and checks if any syntax is violating the rule. If a violation occurs, a warning is shown explaining unexpected behavior. Use the online version for small projects: JSLint, ESLint or JSHint. For larger projects, it is recommended to use a task runner like Gulp or Grunt. Linters ensure developers are following the best practices as a result of which few bugs appear during project development.
Help figuring out why script isn't working for an Archivist
If you don't know https://jshint.com/ and want to script for this sheet, then you should know https://jshint.com/
The unexpected return of JavaScript for Automation
I actually came from AutoHotKey as well, specifically for the cross platform support!
I've found the dev experience with nut.js to be worlds ahead of AutoHotKey as well. You get to use a real programming language with proper modules, data structures, first-class functions, asynchrony, and have access to a vast ecosystem of third party libraries and tooling.
Some Windows specific APIs are easier to work with on AHK due to the collection of built-in functions specifically tailored for automation, but everything AHK is still possible with nut.js since you're just writing a node.js script and have access to libraries like https://github.com/node-ffi-napi/node-ffi-napi that can call native system libraries, with a bit more work involved.
NPM package ‘ua-parser-JS’ with more than 7M weekly download is compromised
> check out the Web X-Ray repo <https://github.com/mozilla/goggles.mozilla.org/>.
Thanks for example. Peeking a bit under the hood, it appears to be due to transitive dependencies referencing github urls (and transient ones at that) instead of semver, which admittedly is neither standard nor good practice...
FWIW, simply removing `"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.4.3",` from package.json and related jshint-related code from Gruntfile was sufficient to get `npm install` to complete successfully. The debugging just took me a few minutes grepping package-lock.json for the 404 URL in question (https://github.com/ariya/esprima/tarball/master) and tracing that back to a top-level dependency via recursively grepping for dependent packages. I imagine that upgrading relevant dependencies might also do the trick, seeing as jshint no longer depends on esprima[0].
I'm not sure how representative this particular case is to the sort of issues you run into, but I'll tell that reproducibility issues can get a lot worse in ways that committing deps doesn't help (for example, issues like this one[1] are nasty to narrow down).
But assuming that installation in your link just happens to have a simple fix and that others are not as forgiving, how is committing node_modules supposed to help here if you're saying you can't even get it to a working state in the first place? DO you own the repo in order to be able to make the change? Or are you mostly just saying that hindsight is 20-20?
[0] https://github.com/jshint/jshint/blob/master/package.json#L4...
[1] https://github.com/node-ffi-napi/node-ffi-napi/issues/143
how can c++ code be made available in JavaScript?
NodeJS also has an FFI, where you can build a shared library (not limited to c++) and import it. Node-ffi-addon
What are some alternatives?
ESLint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
libnut - An Node-API addon for desktop automation
prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
rfcs - Public change requests/proposals & ideation
JSLint - JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality and Coverage Tool
node-csv - Full featured CSV parser with simple api and tested against large datasets.
jsinspect - Detect copy-pasted and structurally similar code
node-jxa - Use your favorite node.js modules (and JS editor) for your Javascript OSX automation scripts
jsfmt - For formatting, searching, and rewriting JavaScript.
deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.