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Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Zq: An Easier (and Faster) Alternative to Jq
It took me a while to grok jq, but now that I do I kinda like it? I don't think I want to learn yet another thing.
I do like tools that complement/supplement jq though, like jid: https://github.com/simeji/jid
- Ask HN: Local Tools for Viewing JSON
jless - Command Line JSON Viewer
Link for the lazy: https://github.com/simeji/jid
- FX: An interactive alternative to jq to process JSON
- Tips on Adding JSON Output to Your CLI App
- jid
How to navigate an API from the terminal
If you're trying to work out the structure and content of an API's JSON responses, you can keep paging through the documentation and the paged output of less or you can reach for more precise JSON parsing tools such as, jq and jid.
Help using JQ interactively?
Yeah, I love me some jq, and my first reaction to the JSON tools page was 'What do these bring to the table that jq doesn't?". Gron and Jid changed my mind.
- My favorite cli/tui programs:
- Ask HN: Tools you have made for yourself?
Ink: React for Interactive CLI Apps
Any viewer of data that has 50,000 elements in it has this many items with a scroll wheel. It doesn't matter if it's on the screen at the same time, this is the kind of thing that the UI is supposed to be abstracting away from you; you just describe the UI and the renderer makes it appear on the screen. Example apps (not built with Ink, just some that fit into this category): less, https://fx.wtf, sqlite...
And this is why React apps end up with bad performance by default. Doesn't crop up in simple tests and light usage, but the bad scaling will catch up with you when you deploy to production.
Command Line Tools I Like (2022)
Coincidentally, yesterday I decided I needed a JSON TUI and landed on fx (https://github.com/antonmedv/fx), which seems to have come out of the Wave terminal project and looks quite similar to jless. Also uses vim keybindings.
- Show HN: JSON For You – Visualize JSON in graph or table views
Modern Unix Tool List
Seems like a pretty good collection of a lot of the tools I hear about these days, and also use myself sometimes.
I also like `fx`, which is like a combination of `jq` and `gdu`.
Oh, and also `gdu`, which is like `ndu` but faster:
Show HN: Posting v1 – The modern HTTP client that lives in your terminal
This is great, I could see myself using it daily. The only hindrance I've found so far is navigating large responses. Would be cool to have some way to collapse chunks of JSON (a la https://github.com/antonmedv/fx), or even just more vim key navigation, like G/gg, %, {/}, and search.
- Fx 35.0.0
- Bash/Zsh autocomplete for JSON fields
- Fx 32.0, now with YAML support too
- Fx JSON viewer now supports YAML
Jaq – A jq clone focused on correctness, speed, and simplicity
There's also this awesome tool to make JSON interactively navigable in the terminal:
What are some alternatives?
jiq - jid on jq - interactive JSON query tool using jq expressions
jless - jless is a command-line JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching through JSON data.
super - An analytics database that puts JSON and relational tables on equal footing
rq - Record Query - A tool for doing record analysis and transformation
m4b-tool - m4b-tool is a command line utility to merge, split and chapterize audiobook files such as mp3, ogg, flac, m4a or m4b
ngs - Next Generation Shell (NGS)
pxi - 🧚 pxi (pixie) is a small, fast, and magical command-line data processor similar to jq, mlr, and awk.
murex - A smarter shell and scripting environment with advanced features designed for usability, safety and productivity (eg smarter DevOps tooling)
qdoc - Convert documentation within a Lua script into a Markdown file.
jello - CLI tool to filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax. (Similar to jq)
jj - JSON Stream Editor (command line utility)
gron - Make JSON greppable!