home-assistant-js-websocket | room-assistant | |
1 | 22 | |
306 | 1,289 | |
4.6% | 0.5% | |
8.5 | 0.0 | |
6 days ago | 14 days ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | MIT License |
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What is your preferred way to do automations?
Now I write most of my automations in Javascript/Node using generators which makes it super easy to reason with lots of async stuff. You can use https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-js-websocket to interface with Home Assistant.
- Room scale object tracking
- Trigger IFTTT when phone is near a location without using GPS (Bluetooth?)
- motion sensor as on/off switch
Some whole house audio and presence detection use cases
Also, I am using the bluetooth on the Pi to drive Room Assistant, to tell which room I'm in and automatically switch on the audio in that room when I am in that room, and switch it off when I leave. It also has support for the grid-eye sensor which looks like the flir sensor you useThere's also a similar project for ESP32 called ESPresence.
Are bluetooth beacons still the best way to do location tracking in a building?
Check out Room Assistant. I have 9 RaspberryPi Zeros set up around my house and these do a great job tracking which rooms our cats are in, provided that we put a tiny BLE dongle on their collar.
I miss my self-hosting hobby
Earlier I had six raspberry pi's spread around the house to try out new things (e.g. room level presence detection - which did not work well despite weeks of tuning - and as snapcast clients). But it became a pita to keep watch over so many independent systems, updating them, remembering the IP, passwords, forgetting what I have installed last time, etc. This is what I like with the whole docker thing: fire up a container, tweak it, and then if it is not used delete it again without affecting the other services.
- People that use NFC tags, what are your most useful tasks with them?
Home Assistant – open-source home automation
There's a project called "room-assistant", however you'd need to have multiple Raspberry Pis running it in various locations...
Triangulation by WiFi and Bluetooth for presence in rooms?
You can try room-assistant. It takes your Bluetooth devices and calculates distance, works quite nice in my environment for in room detection.
Indoor location?
I've been playing around with room assistant. https://www.room-assistant.io/
What are some alternatives?
frontend - :lollipop: Frontend for Home Assistant
OpenMQTTGateway - MQTT gateway for ESP8266 or ESP32 with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermometer compatibility & LoRa.
twitch-js - A community-centric, community-supported version of tmi.js
android - :iphone: Home Assistant Companion for Android
ewelink-web-ui - Ewelink Web App Tool for managing devices from PC
find3 - High-precision indoor positioning framework, version 3.
risco-mqtt-local - Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT
openhab-addons - Add-ons for openHAB
advanced-camera-card - A comprehensive camera card for Home Assistant
addon-presence-monitor - Hassio Add-on. Passive Bluetooth presence detection of beacons, cell phones, and other Bluetooth devices.
hyperion.ng - The successor to Hyperion aka Hyperion Next Generation