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We haven't tracked posts mentioning goreq yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
GitHub - wenerme/go-req: Declarative golang HTTP client
requests is not declarative for me, this is what I mean declarative https://github.com/wenerme/go-wecom/blob/main/wecom/client_agent.go , requests is more like https://github.com/parnurzeal/gorequest , just chain everything. context.Context is not required, but just can be passed by.
What are some alternatives?
goreleaser - Release engineering, simplified
resty - Simple HTTP, REST, and SSE client library for Go
scheduler - Job scheduling made easy.
beaver - 💨 A real time messaging system to build a scalable in-app notifications, multiplayer games, chat apps in web and mobile apps.
fastlz - Wrap over FastLz for GoLang
grequests - A Go "clone" of the great and famous Requests library
hystrix-go - Netflix's Hystrix latency and fault tolerance library, for Go
sling - A Go HTTP client library for creating and sending API requests
boilr - :zap: boilerplate template manager that generates files or directories from template repositories
ngrok - Unified ingress for developers
delve - Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.