edamagit | VSpaceCode | |
11 | 17 | |
1,199 | 1,444 | |
1.3% | 0.8% | |
6.7 | 6.0 | |
3 months ago | 16 days ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Tell HN: Edamagit (VSCode) is looking for a new maintainer
Edamagit for VSCode, the Magit clone I started as a COVID lockdown project, is now seeking a maintainer. I can no longer support this project, but I believe both the users and the project deserve a chance to thrive under the guidance of someone willing and capable.
Lately, my only contributions have been to protect the extension from breaking changes in VSCode and to address critical bugs. I rely on this tool and use it daily, so I will continue to do so unless there's a change in maintainership.
[ Seeking maintainer. Contact [email protected] ]
- Edamagit – Magit for VSCode
- Edamagit - Magit for VSCode
> Using the Vscode extension version [...]
Are you referring to https://github.com/kahole/edamagit ?
Switching From VSCode to DOOM Emacs Recently. Here's My Experience
There is a magit inspired extension for VSCode called edamagit. Last I tried it the bare basics were there, but things quickly fell apart when I tried doing anything more than staging a chunk and committing it. But I would image it’s only been getting better over time.
Vim/Neovim, Vscode or Intellij?
One alternative would be to just not use the mouse with VS Code. For committing, there’s https://github.com/kahole/edamagit where Alt-x c c Ctrl+c Ctrl+c gets you there. Same goes for opening files, etc.
Linus (Tech Tips) is using KDE in his Linux challenge, talks issues with his unique setup and challenges gaming
Example where you can see the raw button on the right: https://github.com/kahole/edamagit/blob/develop/tsconfig.json
VS Code extension to integrate the tox task automation tool
Not at all - pretty much the opposite: I switched to VS Code after using Emacs (Spacemacs and later Doom Emacs) for 4.5 years. Other than the excellent keyboard usability, I've always found emacs to be a bit of a pain. After I found Edamagit and VSpaceCode, I was sold.
VSCode Magit - An Introduction
Repo here: https://github.com/kahole/edamagit
The values of Emacs, the Neovim revolution, and the VSCode gorilla
I use this for git interactions in VSCode
Can vim commands works directly from VSCode commands menu?
Try VSpaceCode.
vscode with keyboard only. how many people can do it and tools to help?
I use the extension package called VSpaceCode keeps my hand on the keyboard 90% of the time.
Is there a solid and standardized hotkey setup that doesn't use so many function keys?
I can highly recommend VSpaceCode: https://vspacecode.github.io/
VSCode-Neovim: Use embedded Neovim in VSCode without emulation
VspaceCode might help you and others: https://vspacecode.github.io/
Ask HN: What is your development workflow on the MacBook M1?
What has helped me with the consolidation is the ubiquity of my preferred key bindings. I use vim keys with spacemacs like bindings.
On emacs, doom-emacs[1] gives me the bindings. On VSCode, VSpaceCode[2], on Jetbrains Rider, Intellimacs[3]. While there are minor differences between the implementations, I have very limited friction when switching between IDEs.
I have paid for the Jetbrains ultimate subscription as I also use DataGrip. I think I’ll be satisfied with the current version of their IDEs for the next 2 years even if I decide to cancel the sub.
[1]: https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs
[2]: https://vspacecode.github.io/
[3]: https://github.com/MarcoIeni/intellimacs
Switching From VSCode to DOOM Emacs Recently. Here's My Experience
For setting up VSCode as a modal editor with mnemonic keys use https://vspacecode.github.io/. It wont be as good as doom/spacemacs but its for sure better than VSCode vanilla
How do I get from the tutorial to being productive?
Productivity is purely subjective and the most minimal and customizable solution is not always the answer. My personal solution is doom emacs for productivity with org mode, text authoring with latex / pandoc and random text editing and VSCode with VSpaceCode for coding.
VS Code Vim Useres: Care to share some of your settings / advice ?
try VSpaceCode
- Cross-platform key binding solution for VSCode?
What's the difference between Vim/Emacs? Do they do they same thing? New to Linux and can't decide which to use!
Then Spacemacs is probably the most nicely configured editor in existence. It improves over Vim by making the SPC the central leader key, and adding highly intuitive mnemonic keybindings. Really, check out Spacemacs for 5 minutes, and I guess you will understand the beautiful concept and using it you will have the power of Emacs and Vim combined (and improved on) in one. You should not just take my words without checking them, but I can tell you that I have checked out the various 'Spacemacs imitations', spacevim, vspacecode, atom with which-key, but they all pale by comparison to Spacemacs (Doom emacs is a good competitor but personally I prefer Spacemacs and definitely I would recommend it over Doom for beginners).
What are some alternatives?
vscode-git-graph - View a Git Graph of your repository in Visual Studio Code, and easily perform Git actions from the graph.
evil - The extensible vi layer for Emacs.
tabout - Tab out of quotes, brackets, etc for Visual Studio Code
vscode-neovim - Vim mode for VSCode, powered by Neovim
lite - A lightweight text editor written in Lua
doom-emacs - An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker [Moved to: https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs]
ffxiv-tools - Tools for FFXIV
vscode-nb-keybinding - Netbeans Keybindings for VSCode
coc-pyright - Pyright extension for coc.nvim
flatpak-vscode - Integrate Flatpak with VSCode
vscodium - binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing