
dhall-kubernetes | starlark | |
11 | 26 | |
626 | 2,565 | |
0.0% | 1.3% | |
2.8 | 4.9 | |
5 months ago | about 1 month ago | |
Dhall | Starlark | |
Apache License 2.0 | Apache License 2.0 |
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I Didn't Need Kubernetes, and You Probably Don't Either
One thing that might help you in this madness is:
Type safe, fat finger safe representation of your YAMLs is grossly underrated.
A skeptic's first contact with Kubernetes
At the moment nothing like that exists. Eventually it should be possible to generate RCL types like https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes does for Dhall.
DSLs Are a Waste of Time
I hate yaml with a passion. It marginally better than xml for reading (wins huge on comment syntax) and worse for everything else. It makes zero sense we somehow ended up with it as standard configuration serialization format.
Note yaml is not a DSL. It's a tree serialization format! Everything interesting is happening after it is parsed. Extreme examples point to e.g. github actions conditions.
Anyway, back on topic - maybe not prolog for CDK, but still quite interesting: Dhall-kubernetes - https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes
Why is Kubernetes adoption so hard?
At this point, if it’s painful enough, why isn’t compiling-to-yml tools more popular?
Example: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes
Haven’t used dhall myself but I’d definitely prefer a DSL on top of yaml.
Nyarna: A structured data authoring language in the spirit of LaTeX, implemented in Zig
Dhall provides https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes which is exactly this: statically type-checked kubernetes config generation.
The Dhall Configuration Language
Dhall is my favorite configuration language that I never get around to using.
I manage DNS in Terraform, and since every Terraform provider uses different objects definitions, and every object definition is rather verbose, Dhall would be a way to specify my own DRY types and leave the provider-specific details in one place. Adding new DNS entries and moving several domains between providers would be a matter of changing fewer lines.
Dhall also has Kubernetes bindings:
Although I'm tempted to just stick to Helm here, even though it's less type-safe.
Why helm doesn't use a general purpose programming language for defining resources?
Not Helm directly, but does something like Dhall fit your question? https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes
Dhall configuration language as another way to write manifests for Kubernetes
Have you heard about Dhall? It’s a programming language used for generating configuration files for a variety of purposes. One of them is to replace old and limited formats such as JSON and YAML. It is DRYable, secure, and even suitable for creating K8s manifests. The latter option isn’t something for anyone: you have to learn a new language and deal with its peculiarities, but it might be really helpful when you have tons of YAML configs. I’ve recently made a short intro to Dhall for K8s in this review.
Terraform 1.0 Release
Best thing is Dhall that I am aware of. Same situation, working as a consultant, forced to use broken things.
Write Gitlab CI Pipelines in Python Code
Lets look at a specific example. Take Kubernetes: everything is yaml, with complete schemas, all the way down. From your perspective this is configuration utopia, right? Meanwhile back in reality k8s is the poster child of "yaml hell". From the day it was released, people took one look at it, gave it a giant NOPE and instantly spawned half a dozen templating languages. The most popular of these is helm, which has a terrible, no good, very bad design: full of potential injection attacks from purely textual string substitution, manually specified indentation to embed parameterized blocks, virtually no intermediate validation, no way to validate unused features, etc etc
Compare to dhall which publishes a complete set of dhall-k8s schema mappings which enables you to factor out any design you want down to as few configuration variables as you like, while validating the configuration generators themselves at design time. https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes#more-modular-...
Should Programming Languages Be Safe or Powerful?
I actually like Deno's take on things, the ability to "drop privs" (or "allow-list") is super powerful.
Starlark is supposedly a limited version of python (https://github.com/bazelbuild/starlark), but what if you could say in python itself:
def foo():
Interview Gone Wrong
— a in b not in c
WalterBright mentioned that D will give you an error. When designing Starlark (a derivative of Python), I also decided to give an error for this, by making the comparison operators non associative.
I agree this Python feature can look cute, but I've found it's rarely useful and can easily be avoided.
- Starlark Language
An Overview of the Starlark Language
Having done some nontrivial Bazel/Starlark hacking, I completely agree that lightweight static types would be a good usability improvement. But I want to point out that Starlark is actually not Turing complete, which is imo one of the more interesting characteristics it has. Recursion is forbidden (https://github.com/bazelbuild/starlark/blob/master/spec.md#f...) and loops must be structural; there is no while loop or other unbounded iteration construct. Starlark is one of the more capable and mainstream non-Turing-complete languages out there, and doesn't resemble the other common ones which mostly show up in theorem provers. On the one hand I think the logic in a build system that needs to reason about incremental builds absolutely should be guaranteed to terminate, but in some particularly painful situations I've had to resort to iteration over smart-contract-style "gas" parameters.
- (The) Starlark Language
Apple releases Pkl – onfiguration as code language
The implementations and users page mentioned above:
- Language design of Starlark (compared to Python)
10 Ways for Kubernetes Declarative Configuration Management
Starlark: Starlark is a language for describing build transformations, inspired by Python, but with features that make it suitable for embedding in software like Bazel. It can be used for configuration generation due to its capability for deterministic evaluation and expressing complex build transformations.
How Big Should a Programming Language Be?
In the design of Starlark (https://github.com/bazelbuild/starlark), I often had to push back against new feature requests to keep the language simple. I explicitly listed simplicity as a design goal.i
Of course, the scope of the language is not the same as general purpose languages, but there's always pressure from the users to add more things. I also think many people underestimate the cost of adding new features: it's not just about adding the code in every compiler/interpreter, specifying every edge-case in a spec, updating all the tooling for the language and writing tutorials; it's also a cost on everyone who will have to read any of the code.
Launch HN: Moonrepo (YC W23) – Open-source build system
one of the benefits of starlark (unlike python): "Starlark is suitable for use in highly parallel applications. An application may invoke the Starlark interpreter concurrently from many threads, without the possibility of a data race, because shared data structures become immutable due to freezing." from https://github.com/bazelbuild/starlark/blob/master/spec.md - it's not python, you can't do recursion (!) and it's more limited (you can't read a file in bazel, and parse it, you have to make this operation into the graph somehow)
What are some alternatives?
terraform-ls - Terraform Language Server
openapi-python-client - Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI
tanka - Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes
starlark-go - Starlark in Go: the Starlark configuration language, implemented in Go
terraform-lsp - Language Server Protocol for Terraform
dhall - Maintainable configuration files
coc.nvim - Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
cdk8s - Define Kubernetes native apps and abstractions using object-oriented programming
vim-lsp - async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim
nvim-lspconfig - Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP
skycfg - Skycfg is an extension library for the Starlark language that adds support for constructing Protocol Buffer messages.