
delve | excelize | |
57 | 15 | |
23,356 | 18,635 | |
0.7% | 0.6% | |
9.0 | 8.5 | |
8 days ago | 17 days ago | |
Go | Go | |
MIT License | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License |
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Mastering Golang Debugging in Emacs
In this post I'll elaborate the powerful combination of Emacs, Delve, and dape. Together, these tools create a debugging experience that mimics (and often surpasses) traditional IDEs, while preserving the flexibility and extensibility that Emacs is famous for.
TypeScript vs Go: Choosing Your Backend Language
Delve: Popular debugger for Go.
- Domine Golang com Nunu: Guia completo
Setting up Delve and Air to debug Golang with VS Code
Edit air.toml [[go build]] command to: - all: flags should be applied to all packages in build packages - -N: disabled optimisations to ensure generated code closer to source code for easier debugging - -l: disables inlining optimisation where small functions are expanded in place to reduce overhead of function calls, making it easier for debugging - Reasoning from Delve Reference
Vendoring, or go mod vendor: What Is It?
Delve: A debugger for the Go programming language.
The worst thing about Jenkins is that it works
At a recent job, we had slightly different containers for local dev; our backend containers (for a Go app) had Air [1] installed for live reloading, plus Delve [2] running inside the container for VS Code's debugger to connect to. We also had a frontend container for local dev, which didn't get deployed as a container, just as static files.
Delve v1.21.2 is out now Thanks Derek and the rest of the team for helping us to debug in a normal way!
- I do not use a debugger
Writing and debugging integration tests of multiple processes with Golang
My employer has a commercial solution for this but Delve does supports `rr` traces natively for this purpose, which gives a complete open-source solution (
- No support for debugging Go on OpenBSD
Recommend a powerful excel processing library, @zurmokeeper/exceljs, which supports encryption and decryption of xlsx files and flexible setting of multiple table headers when exporting, etc.
Then I found out that WPS only supports ecma376 standard encrytion for xlsx files. Then I referred to the official documentation and libraries in other languages, such as msoffcrypto-tool written in python. msoffcrypto-tool) and go's excelize. Since I don't know much about encryption and decryption, the process of implementation is also a bit of a twist.
how to work with .xlsx files?
But if you absolutely need xlsx files, I would seek the best library for the job and write this in golang.
Excelize 2.7.0 Released – Go language API for spreadsheet (Excel) document
Documentation website with multilingual: Arabic, German, Spanish, English, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, which has been updated
Where does PHP being single threaded affect performance and can anything be done to make it better?
Golang excel:
Is there an Excel library that can let me input formulae & get the result?
Yeah, I'm reading it now and just parse, I didn't find a implementation of "calculation engine" all the available libs just read previous saved value from a opened and calculated excel file. See:
Reading huge excel table with excelsize
Hey guys, i tryed using this to read excel table ,(70+columns and 500k rows). When using the sheet method from the documentation it takes about 3 to 4 minuts to find search item, and ofcourse limitation is that it needs to be a match.
Documentation for Powershell Commands for Excel
Much like excelize for go lang.
Excelize 2.6.1 Released – Go language API for spreadsheet (Excel) document
Suggestion: When a method is safe for concurrent use, document such in its godoc comment. None of the formal documentation mentions concurrency, and its unclear what methods are concurrency-safe. The only tip-off that something might be safe for concurrent use is the occasional use of the sync package. This eventually led me to a year-old release footnote as the only documentation across the entire project about concurrency. This information isn't even in the Git tag, just the GitHub release page.
Excelize/v2 and Concurrent Writing?
The title more or less says it all, but to give some background to the question, as long as it’s done safely (for example, with a mutex and locks) like with concurrent writing to a txt file, does anyone know if concurrent writing to an excel file, particularly while using excelize/v2 is possible? I have a 2D slice of data produced after processing an image that needs to be written to an excel file created with excelize/v2 and it’s plenty fast up to a certain set of dimensions, but I’d like to support even larger dimensions and was considering using concurrency to do so. But the only examples of concurrently writing to a file with Go that I could find were txt file examples. So I’m not quite sure if my scenario is possible.
What's the best library to parse and make operations on file (pdf, docx, csv, etc)?
You’re unlikely to find a single package that will handle all these file types without being behind a paywall of some sort. And I haven’t extensively worked with any of the other file types you’ve mentioned, but for xlsx, I highly recommend this package
What are some alternatives?
xlsx - Go library for reading and writing XLSX files.
godotenv - A Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from .env files)
panicparse - Crash your app in style (Golang)
air - ☁️ Live reload for Go apps
ngrok - Unified ingress for developers
unioffice - Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents
gorequest - GoRequest -- Simplified HTTP client ( inspired by nodejs SuperAgent )
excelize - Golang library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLSX) files.
go-sitemap-generator - go-sitemap-generator is the easiest way to generate Sitemaps in Go
fzf - :cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder