cloudfront-auth | auth0-nodejs-webapp-sample | |
6 | 1 | |
593 | 148 | |
- | 0.0% | |
0.0 | 3.1 | |
over 2 years ago | 7 months ago | |
JavaScript | JavaScript | |
ISC License | MIT License |
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I just want to host a static website with Cognito as a guard. How can I do it as simple as possible?
If you already have existing users in google, github, or something like that, maybe look at this and skip cognito.
Deploy EventCatalog to AWS CloudFront with Google SSO Access Control via Terraform
This article shows how to deploy your own EventCatalog in AWS CloudFront via Terraform and updates to the Catalog via CI/CD (CircleCi in this case, but can be easily applied to other CI systems). It also shows how to use Lambda@Edge to implement Google SSO / OpenID Connect via the Widen/cloudfront-auth Project.
- Google login to S3 bucket website?
What are you using lambda @ edge and cloudfront functions for ?
Using it to allow Google Workspace auth access control to static websites. Leverages
Protect your Amazon CloudFront content — Authorization@Edge using cookies Recognition The earlier AWS blog that investigated wiring up Cognito authentication with Lambda@Edge: A gist that shows how to add Basic Authentication using Lambda@Edge: An open-source project that uses a similar approach to secure CloudFront distributions, but does not yet support Cognito (at the time of this writing): Additional resources Check out the code on GitHub to see how the sample solution is built. You can deploy and run the code yourself: You can deploy the Amazon Cognito resources from the sample solution directly from the AWS Serverless Application Repository. 10
Hosting static site on S3 behind authentication
1) Make sure your bucket is private. 2) Set up CloudFront with Origin Access Identity 3) Use Lambda@Edge for authentication.
Very Confused on advanced authentication methods (Auth0, Passport) and not finding documentation very beginner friendly. Can someone give me a rundown on the basic implementation of creating / reading records per user if I try to implement a more robust Authentication system.
If you're interested in the Auth0 provider, download and get it up & running locally. Sign up an account. Try to understand the example, but accept some magic and lack of understanding in the interest of speed. You'll have to do a lot of reading to understand it all.
What are some alternatives?
Grant - OAuth Proxy
nodejs-auth - Implementation of node.js authentication with social login ✌️, user impersonation 💅, and no passport.js required 💁
jwt-decode - Decode JWT tokens; useful for browser applications.
auth0-javascript-samples - Auth0 Integration Samples for Vanilla JavaScript Applications
yup-oauth2 - An oauth2 client implementation providing the Device, Installed, Service Account, and several more flows.
node-project-template - Template for creating Node.js projects including docs and a deploy pipeline
express-openid-connect - An Express.js middleware to protect OpenID Connect web applications.
node-jwks-rsa - A library to retrieve RSA public keys from a JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) endpoint.
nginx-openid-connect - Reference implementation of OpenID Connect integration for NGINX Plus
active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2 - An ASP.NET Core Web App which lets sign-in users (including in your org, many orgs, orgs + personal accounts, sovereign clouds) and call Web APIs (including Microsoft Graph)
google-one-tap - Google One Tap Login
gatsby-timeship - Travel through time with Gatsby Functions 🚀