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3.Awesome Next.js
Hey guys I just started with Nextjs
This looks like a good place to check out: Code Bushi also appears to have made two of their templates Next compatible: I've played with their Gatsby starters before and imagine the Next templates would be solid as well.
25+ awesome-repo for Frontend Developers
awesome-nextjs - A curated list of awesome resources: books, videos, articles about using Next.js (A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications)
25+ awesome-repo for Frontend Developers
awesome-flexbox - A curated list of CSS Flexible Box Layout Module or only Flexbox.
What are some alternatives?
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awesome-web-components - A curated list of awesome Web Components resources.
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awesome - A curated list of awesome things related to Nuxt.js
awesome-ant-design - A curated list of Ant Design resources and related projects. The main idea is that everyone can contribute here, so we can have a central repository of informations about Ant Design that we keep up-to-date
es6-tools - An aggregation of tooling for using ES6 today
starter.lvim - 🚀 A great starting point for your LunarVim journey!