
service | go-starter | |
18 | 3 | |
3,666 | 515 | |
1.1% | 1.2% | |
9.4 | 7.2 | |
20 days ago | 7 days ago | |
Go | Go | |
Apache License 2.0 | MIT License |
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Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Should I take the Ardan Labs course? If yes, then which one?
Ultimate Service was useful for me. None of the "backend" concepts were new, but you get to see how Bill would layout/design an API-based service. If you're experienced you'll notice the opinionated choices he makes, and I found myself saying "Nah, I'm not sure I'd do it like that". I appreciated its use of Kubernetes and KIND as I'd never played with them before. How he uses Docker to spin up a DB instance for tests is pretty cool. There's a lot of copy & paste as you code along with him (you copy from the "finished project" and paste into your work in progress). The full example project is online at You won't write all that code, and this version is newer than the one I did, but it gives you an idea of what you might learn.
If you could go back in time | What would you do different regarding go
So what can you do insted? For testing databases, setup a docker instance for tests (e.g. like in, or start an embedded-postgres daemon (see For communication with external APIs, just pass the http.Client (either in context.Context or as a field on the struct). Then in tests, you can override the http.Client.Transport func.
- Where can I find well-written go code to learn from?
GO web sever - file structuring convention
Take a look at from Bill Kennedy. You can probably simplify the structure a bit since your project is minimal, but that repo is gold.
Say you're mentoring someone just getting comfortable with go. What do you think they should know?
Checkout for inporation. Tip: try to avoid creating a service package with all services, a domain package with all domain structs, etc.
Any resources on building a simple web app with Go without any frameworks?
Or go through this repo
GitHub - johnwarden/httperror: Golang package for returning errors instead of handling them directly.
I've seen this handler modification and wrapping pattern in Ardan Labs' service repository.
REST API project structure This is something which I really like and has taken into account a lot of engineering decisions.
- GitHub examples of Go that's written really well?
- Is "Let's go" and "Let's go further" worth it?
- Good reference webapp projects in Golang with tests
Ask HN: Are you using Go for web development?
Yes, monolithic Go RESTful JSON API services - we currently depend on go-swagger, SQLBoiler (PostgreSQL) and echo.
Workflow: we use VSCode with devContainers (docker-compose local dev env), our tasks are simply defined in a Makefile. Our high-lvl dev workflow is documented here:
Difficulties: Nothing special actually. We switched from Node.js to Go in the beginning of 2020 and it's been a pleasure for our new projects (software agency). I thought it was going to be hard to onboard our staff / new hires to Go and our stack, but this really turned out to be a non issue.
VSCode, Dev Containers and Docker: moving software development forward
Can only second this, we use a VSCode devContainer-based setup in all of our projects and even migrate our legacy projects to it (software agency).
Here's our current base go template, you only need Docker+VSCode on your system to get started:
Bonus points:
What are some alternatives?
golang-standards/project-layout - Standard Go Project Layout
modern-go-application - Modern Go Application example
scaffold - Generate scaffold project layout for Go.
go-restful-api - An idiomatic Go REST API starter kit (boilerplate) following the SOLID principles and Clean Architecture
pagoda - Rapid, easy full-stack web development starter kit in Go
eventhorizon - Event Sourcing for Go!
go-sample - Go Project Sample Layout
inizio - Golang project standard layout generator
cookiecutter-golang - A Go project template
go-todo-backend - Go Todo Backend example using modular project layout for product microservice.