
Alpine.js | React | |
263 | 1,897 | |
28,987 | 232,249 | |
1.2% | 0.6% | |
8.4 | 9.9 | |
6 days ago | 4 days ago | |
HTML | JavaScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Creating a To-do app with HTMX and Django, part 8: inline edit, and using Iconify
As usual, there are a few possibilities here; one is to render both the with the title, and a form with for each row, and use plain Javascript (or AlpineJS) to toggle edit mode.
Supercharge your HTML with mizu.js!
That's why I grew fond of libraries such as Alpine.js and htmx, which require no setup and are easy to use. However, I felt these had some limitations. Since they were mostly designed for client-side usage, it wasn't really possible to use them in server-side rendering contexts (including static generation).
🔥I have launched a project and think it help you, maybe :)
In fact, it is really good as an alternative to modules like htmx and alpine.js, because it allows you to create dynamic interfaces with a minimum set of configurable parameters, as well as the size of the output files. This is achieved by working with the server, when we prepare the UI there, and we only transfer it to the client via API.
🍣 Sushi — Your Eloquent model driver for other data sources
It is created by Caleb Porzio (the guy behind Livewire and AlpineJS), Sushi simplifies your data when a full database table is unnecessary.
Build a Simple Auto-Play Carousel with Clickable Controls Using Alpine.js
Here's a step-by-step example of creating a simple carousel using Alpine.js. Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that provides reactivity and can be used to build interactive components without a lot of JavaScript.
VidSnap: Effortless Screen Recording powered by Pinata
The web app was made using AlpineJS for interactivity, TailwindCSS for styling, Clerk for user authentication, and Vercel for deployments. This stack allowed me to quickly build and deploy an MVP within 24 hours.
Personal Finance Management App with Django, HTMX, Alpine, Tailwind and Plaid
Alpine.js is another lightweight JavaScript framework used to add interactivity. It plays nicely with Django’s template structure and provides quick, declarative behavior for things like modals, dropdowns, or toggles. In combination with HTMX, Alpine can give you just enough JavaScript to enhance the UX without having to deal with something like React or Vue. For instance, you can use Alpine to manage state in the frontend, like opening and closing modals or handling client-side validation.
React on the server is not PHP
That’s a mostly solved problem. If you’re in the Laravel ecosystem:
AlpineJS is for your menus and simple client-side interactivity. Livewire lets you render templates server-side while handling routing, interactivity, updates, morphing, everything you need all in one.
Combine the two, you’ll be counting the lines of JavaScript you right in the dozens, on one hand.
Augmenting the client with Alpine.js
This post is part of a series comparing different ways to implement asynchronous requests on the client, which is colloquially known as AJAX. I dedicated the previous post to Vue.js; I'll dedicate this one to Alpine.js - not to be confused with Alpine Linux.
A short history of AJAX and SSR
We must recognize the benefits that client-side rendering offers, but perhaps the pendulum has swung too far. Is it possible to have the best of both worlds? In some corners of the industry, cooler heads have prevailed, and the term SSR has been coined to describe a return to what we've been doing for ages—albeit with some modern enhancements. The idea is to leverage AJAX, JavaScript, and browser improvements without the unnecessary bloat. While many tools are available, I frequently hear about Vue. js and HTMX. A recent search also led me to Alpine.js. And I've long been a proponent of Vaadin.
React vs Angular – Which One To Choose in 2025?
React JS on GitHub
Navigating the Financial Landscape of Open Source Development
Open source contributors often gain deep expertise in specific technologies, making them ideal candidates for consulting roles. Businesses frequently hire these developers for custom software development, integration, or troubleshooting support. This demand is particularly high for experts in tools like Kubernetes and React.
A Symfony - React SPA application. The Reload problem
In this article, I would like to share with you a problem I encountered while developing a SPA in React within a Symfony project and how I resolved it.
Firebase: deploy a React application with Firebase Hosting
Vite is a modern build tool created by Evan You, the same developer behind Vue.js. It is designed to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects. You can use Vite to create front-end projects in seconds: React, Svelte, Lit, Qwik and many others modern frameworks are supported.
- Typescript-eslint + prettier para padronização de código em React com Typescript
Typescript-eslint + prettier for code standardization in React with Typescript
Unlike the article I wrote about eslint with prettier, it is currently not possible to add the eslint-plugin-react-hooks plugin to typescript-eslint, which brings rules according to the expected hook definitions, due to an issue related to missing type declarations.
How to identify and fix memory leaks in react
Memory management is an important aspect of building performant applications, and in the context of React, it can be easy to overlook. A common issue that developers face is memory leaks, which can lead to sluggish performance, crashes, or even full application breakdowns.
Lexical 0.24 with Vanilla JS: Getting started
Lexical is an open source project and considered the successor of Draft.js. It is primarily developed by Meta, licensed under MIT. It is not restricted to React, but supports Vanilla JS, too. The flexibility enables us to integrate it with other JS libraries such as Svelte and Vue.
Navigating Income Streams for Open Source Developers
Developers who contribute to open source projects often gain deep expertise in specific technologies, making them ideal candidates for consulting roles. Businesses frequently hire these developers for custom software development, integration, or troubleshooting. Expertise in popular tools like Kubernetes or React can lead to lucrative consulting opportunities.
The Power of Sponsorship in Open Source Projects
Corporate Sponsorships: Companies often support projects integral to their operations, such as Google's backing of Kubernetes and Facebook's React initiative.
What are some alternatives?
knockout - Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript
qwik - Instant-loading web apps, without effort
Svelte - web development for the rest of us
Vue.js - This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
hyperscript - Create HyperText with JavaScript.
Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
GrapesJS - Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding
Mithril.js - A JavaScript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications
leptos - Build fast web applications with Rust.
htmx - </> htmx - high power tools for HTML
awesome-blazor - Resources for Blazor, a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.