WebJEA | PowerShell-Script-Menu-Gui | |
16 | 6 | |
239 | 237 | |
- | 5.1% | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
about 1 year ago | almost 4 years ago | |
Visual Basic .NET | PowerShell | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 only | MIT License |
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- How are .ps1 files run as admin by default?
AD web request
What platform do you use to build self service for other IT?
Webjea https://github.com/markdomansky/WebJEA Use that on a non-dc.
- How to build a website to invoke powershell commands from
GUI Website to invoke Powershell to Azure AD/O365
WebJEA is exactly what you're looking for. Give users privileged access to PowerShell scripts in a GUI. https://github.com/markdomansky/WebJEA
Easy way to run scripts via GUI?
I’ve been looking into something similar. I’ve come across WebJEA a few times. Looks like the best bet if you want a web UI.
Form to Powershell
Another one, purely web based, and free is WebJEA. You get web interface for powershell scripts, IIS is used. The link https://github.com/markdomansky/WebJEA.
Interactive ASP.NET dashboard for PS scripts?
Be sure to also check out WebJEA. https://github.com/markdomansky/WebJEA We use this in our org for exactly the reasons you mention. Only thing is it’s not really interactive. You can get creative with the use of script parameters to capture the input you need though, and they have some good examples and templates to work from.
A WebJEA query - onloadscript and $WebJeaUserName
So I've read the issue thread here: https://github.com/markdomansky/WebJEA/issues/4
Thinking of building a more user friendly version of rundeck that customer support folks can use
markdomansky/WebJEA: WebJEA - Secure Self Service Web Forms from PowerShell Scripts (github.com) (DEMO)
- Looking to create windows app to execute my PS scripts.
- gui for powershell
GUI menu
Give this a go: PSScriptMenuGui
- Is it just me? Why do companies insist on changing GUIs
(First script) How can I output an error if the input is not valid
Another way is to build a GUI. OK, I'm know it's boring but a PS Module like PSScriptMenuGui could help. See demo and Examples. The, when user launch the main script (i.e. MenuGUI.ps1), there will be no shell, just a GUI with big buttons :-) to run this or that.
- How hard would it be to create a Windows App to keep all of my PS Scripts and run whichever I chose from that Windows App?
What are some alternatives?
script-server - Web UI for your scripts with execution management
Powershell-WPF - Asynchronous Powershell GUI with WPF in a MVVM pattern
powershell-universal - PowerShell Universal is the ultimate platform for building web-based IT tools.
small-open-with-win-gui - A powershell converted to an exe to select what program you want to open your file with on double click
Pode - Pode is a Cross-Platform PowerShell web framework for creating REST APIs, Web Sites, and TCP/SMTP servers
LazyTS - PowerShell Script (GUI) to manage Terminal Sessions
Pode.Web - Web template framework for use with the Pode PowerShell web server
PSRepo - Gonna try and collect all the various scripts I've made into one place because this is getting a bit ridiculous.
PS2EXE - Module to compile powershell scripts to executables
LaunchPad - PowerShell Web Portal
WpfZoo - Display almost all WPF controls by PowerShell for demonstration of WPF controls