
TechReborn | Cyclic | |
4 | 13 | |
334 | 168 | |
-0.6% | 0.0% | |
9.6 | 8.9 | |
8 days ago | about 1 month ago | |
Java | Java | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Longshot help request [Ultimate Reloaded]
I've encountered a bug with the industrial centrifuge from the Tech Reborn mod. The dev is aware of the bug but has stated on github and discord that they no longer support the mod for MC version 1.12.2. (post here: The mod author did invite anyone with the know-how to fix the mod. I don't have the know-how, but I'm looking for someone who does that might be willing to diagnose and fix this bug. It completely kills progression in the pack, and I'd really like to finish what I started. I just recently lost my friend that I was playing this pack with, and I'd like to complete it in his memory. Thanks in advance.
- Job blocks for Tech Reborn (?) Villagers?
Help with platinum [Valhelsia Enhanced Vanilla]
Are you finding any other Tech Reborn ores in the End (Sodalite, Tungsten, Peridot)? If no then update the modpack, there was an issue with them not generating in Better End biomes that was fixed a while ago.
- How can I disable ore generation from the Tech Reborn mod? (Fabric)(1.16.5)
Need help modifying a Minecraft mod
So I "found" (linked from CF page) a Github repo that seems to be the mod you want to modify, and if it is so, then it's under MIT which means you already have permission to change it and distribute changed versions etc. See here:
- Looking for mod that allows a player to swich armor with a key
Is it known that Cyclic has compatibility issues with Applied Energetics 2?
Did you check the issues tab on Curseforge? You can also report the issue there.
Modding For 1.12.2 With Forge Today
Because you are absoloutely right, ForgeGradle:2.3-snapshot for minecraft 1.12.2 still does work but needs some tweaks to make it work perfectly. Heres one example
ender book not working tldr: die, op yourself or enter creative and switch back to survival in order to fix.
- Cyclic Solidification chamber not working? [1.16]
Cyclic's Caving Torch Charm is now smarter
This has been merged in and should be included in the 1.3.6 update.
cyclic is unbalanced and crappy
You're not necessarily wrong. Unfortunately, you've stated your criticisms in the worst, least constructive way possible, so you look like a jackass. No one will engage in discussion with you because of that. This also isn't the forum for feedback on specific mods. Cyclic has its own issue tracker.
Crafting Machine (Cyclic) Duplicate glitch
This isn't an issue tracker, report it to the GitHub repo
Cyclic Enchantments?
The .lang file has descriptions for all of the enchants
What are some alternatives?
Industrial-Revolution - An Industrial mod made for Fabric.
Applied-Energistics-2 - A Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
MCXR - VR minecraft mod using OpenXR and fabric
PlusTiC - Minecraft mod for adding new tools to and integrating various mods with Tinkers Construct
Connector - A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on NeoForge
refinedstorage - An elegant solution to your hoarding problem.
urns-mod - A Minecraft mod that adds the clay urn to the game, a fragile container that is affected by gravity.
twilightforest - Twilight Forest repository
LambdaControls - A minecraft mod which adds better controls and controller support.
minecolonies - Minecolonies minecraft mod
farmers-delight-fabric - Fabric port of the awesome Farmer's Delight forge mod made by @vectorwing.
GregTech-Experimental - A fully-featured port of GregTech 3 for modern minecraft versions