MotionBlur | FSCalendar | |
- | 5 | |
1,506 | 10,627 | |
- | 0.1% | |
0.0 | 2.1 | |
almost 10 years ago | 6 months ago | |
Objective-C | Objective-C | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
Customizing Calendar with FSCalendar in SwiftUI
Luckily, we have a great repository for this custom calendar in iOS developments projects. it is called FSCalendar ( it is a truly a great project that accommodates our needs to build a custom calendar with images, custom text color, with custom data and events.
Hi! I made an app to track tips at work and would love for you to check it out!
I think it's a very easy app and I agree that 1 dollar for a calendar (FSCalendar -> it's way too much. Try implementing some new feature because I think it's a hard sell.
- Do you face any problem in using the following 3rd party libraries in XCode, for M1 chip?
- Any tutorial which helps in making this sort of a calendar tab navigation? This screenshot is from an app called Tangerine
What are some alternatives?
Lottie - An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
JTAppleCalendar - The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. Swift calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable
URLEmbeddedView - URLEmbeddedView automatically caches the object that is confirmed the Open Graph Protocol.
CVCalendar - A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (>= 4.0).
iCarousel - A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS
DateTimePicker - A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time
Eureka - Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
Calendar - A set of views and controllers for displaying and scheduling events on iOS
folding-cell - :octocat: 📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation made by @Ramotion
CalendarKit - 📅 Calendar for Apple platforms in Swift
MJRefresh - An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.
JTCalendar - A customizable calendar view for iOS.