InstantSearch iOS

MLPAutoCompleteTextField | InstantSearch iOS | |
- | - | |
1,207 | 599 | |
- | 0.0% | |
0.0 | 6.0 | |
over 5 years ago | 2 months ago | |
Objective-C | Swift | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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InstantSearch iOS
We haven't tracked posts mentioning InstantSearch iOS yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
What are some alternatives?
StickyCollectionView-Swift - UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells.
JVFloatLabeledTextField - UITextField subclass with floating labels - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design:
SelectableTextView - A text view that supports selection and expansion
ARAutocompleteTextView - ARAutocompleteTextView is a subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time. This is perfect for automatically suggesting the domain as a user types an email address, #hashtag or @alexruperez.
StatefulViewController - Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states
IQDropDownTextField - TextField with DropDown support using UIPickerView
TweeTextField - Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality 🚀
ModernSearchBar - The famous iOS search bar with auto completion feature implemented.
algoliasearch-client-swift - ⚡️ A fully-featured and blazing-fast Swift API client to interact with Algolia.
MVAutocompletePlaceSearchTextField - iOS - Subclass of UITextField to achieve autocompletion for Place Search like Google Places, Uber and Much more apps having maps.