
CopyIssue | MCLog | |
- | - | |
171 | 584 | |
- | - | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
over 5 years ago | over 7 years ago | |
Objective-C | Objective-C | |
- | MIT License |
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We haven't tracked posts mentioning CopyIssue yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
We haven't tracked posts mentioning MCLog yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
What are some alternatives?
SCXcodeMiniMap - Sublime Text like Minimap for Xcode
SwiftInitializerGenerator - Xcode Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers
BBUncrustifyPlugin-Xcode - Xcode plugin to format source code using ClangFormat or Uncrustify
SCXcodeSwitchExpander - Xcode plugin that enables switch cases autocompletion
Swimat - An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code.
GitDiff - Highlights deltas against git repo in Xcode
QuickJump - Quick code navigation for Xcode
Reveal-In-GitHub - An Xcode plugin designed for seamless navigation to key GitHub functionalities within your current repository. With just a click, effortlessly access GitHub History, Blame, Pull Requests, Issues, and Notifications, all in a matter of seconds.
FastStub-Xcode - Xcode Plugin helps you find missing methods in your class header, protocols, and super class, also makes fast inserting.
BBUDebuggerTuckAway - Xcode plugin for auto-hiding the debugger once you start typing in the source code editor.