BLKFlexibleHeightBar | BOZPongRefreshControl | |
- | - | |
3,042 | 879 | |
- | - | |
0.0 | 0.0 | |
over 5 years ago | about 10 years ago | |
Objective-C | Objective-C | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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We haven't tracked posts mentioning BLKFlexibleHeightBar yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
We haven't tracked posts mentioning BOZPongRefreshControl yet.
Tracking mentions began in Dec 2020.
What are some alternatives?
StickyCollectionView-Swift - UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells.
UzysAnimatedGifPullToRefresh - Add PullToRefresh using animated GIF to any scrollView with just simple code
MZFormSheetPresentationController - MZFormSheetPresentationController provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup UIPresentationController size and feel form sheet.
MJRefresh - An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.
PickerView - 🔸 A customizable alternative to UIPickerView in Swift.
PullToBounce - Animated "Pull To Refresh" Library for UIScrollView. Inspired by
ADChromePullToRefresh - ADChromePullToRefresh
KCHorizontalDial - A horizontal scroll dial like Instagram.
PullToRefreshCoreText - PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style
ActiveLabel - UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
ESPullToRefresh - #Busy Re-Building....# An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh'