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Telescope-project.nvim Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to telescope-project.nvim
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🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
A telescope.nvim extension that offers intelligent prioritization when selecting files from your editing history.
telescope-project.nvim discussion
telescope-project.nvim reviews and mentions
Don't use “dependencies” in lazy.nvim
Many telescope.nvim users are sure to use extensions. For example, you can write configs with telescope-project.nvim.
- [Neovim] Quel directeur de session pour NVIM
Directories not showing up in "recent projects."
Projects are handle by the telescope-project plugin ( Does is change when you open folder by its name ? With “lvim .” ? With just “lvim” ?
How to manage projects efficiently in neovim using telescope
I found this plugin for telescope that does all of the above, except that it requires a redundant step where even though I'm inside a project, I still have to select the project before I can search / grep inside. Basically, I want to create a mapping that allows me to search inside the project without having to always select the project that I am in (it should be able to detect that the file from which I am searching belongs to such-and-such project and so can instantly search from within that project).
olddirs.nvim: oldfiles, but for directories
Sharing a lightweight plugin I wrote yesterday which provides some functions for accessing previously used current working directories. I know that this is similar to some other "workspace" / "project" plugins which already exist, so I've pasted the motivation section from the README. >I work in a large monorepo and change my working directory depending on what part of the codebase I'm looking at to give my LSP (gopls) a chance and to improve the usefulness of fuzzy finding files. I want to change the current working directory back to a previously used one without having to configure a "project" or "workspace" beforehand. This requirement is not satisfied (as far as I can tell) by existing similar plugins: > - project.nvim > - telescope-project.nvim > - workspaces.nvim. > - neovim-session-manager > olddirs.nvim is very lightweight and doesn't provide any niceties (out of the box) like some of the above plugins, it's literally just :oldfiles for directories. > \ I say "out of the box" since some features like the searching or browsing of files inside a previous directory can be implemented by adding actions to the olddirs.nvim Telescope picker.
- Switching between projects
My first plugin: ProjectMgr - lets you quickly switch between projects and define custom startup commands for each.
This seems to be a
which session manager for nvim
Few months ago I tried but it does not restore windows layout (seem to only cd into project dir). Are there any other session managers that support features listed above?
A pragmatic approach to migrating from VSCode to Neovim
Anyhow, I started clearing the last requirements standing by installing telescope-project.nvim and todo-comments.nvim. They were a convenient choice, as both extend the already mentioned Telescope plugin. Seamless terminal integration was possibly the feature I was looking for the most. As I hoped, Neovim offers transparent terminal emulation out of the box, making to open a terminal buffer feel like a first class operation.
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 3 Dec 2024
nvim-telescope/telescope-project.nvim is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of telescope-project.nvim is Lua.
Popular Comparisons
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