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Nvim-tmux-navigation Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to nvim-tmux-navigation
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🧠 Smart, seamless, directional navigation and resizing of Neovim + terminal multiplexer splits. Supports tmux, Wezterm, and Kitty. Think about splits in terms of "up/down/left/right".
⚡️ A tmux plugin giving you a hackable status bar consisting of dynamic & beautiful looking powerline segments, written purely in bash.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
nvim-tmux-navigation discussion
nvim-tmux-navigation reviews and mentions
Neovim-Tmux Navigation Plugin with LazyVim not working as expected
I am trying to install the plugin so I can easily switch between Tmux panes and Neovim panes. I am using the default lazyvim installation plus the additions I have mentioned
wow: Tmux navigation works out-of-the-box!
They work with tmux too! Normally I'd use but it works without that.
using nvim + tmux
Huh, conflicting statements. I suspect it's a typo. probably the place to ask.
Why is Tmux better than neovim's built-in terminal?
- Software development veteran who's always used vim -- should I be using tmux?
Help a noob rewrite a line in lua
So I've been trying to set up this plugin and of the lines I have to add is, i believe, written in vimscript:
A note from our sponsor - InfluxDB | 8 Sep 2024
alexghergh/nvim-tmux-navigation is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of nvim-tmux-navigation is Lua.
Popular Comparisons
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- nvim-tmux-navigation VS .dotfiles