I'm looking for the source of a clean Spring Boot application so I can study the code, patterns used, etc. The closest to that I could get is this JHipster sample application. I've learned some things from it, but it's quite small, so not a lot to see.
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I always look for a real world app: https://github.com/gothinkster/realworld
Checkout https://github.com/gtiwari333/spring-boot-blog-app
Real World Spring Boot Web Application Example with tons of ready to use features
And a more complex/production grade looking sample application: https://github.com/gtiwari333/spring-boot-web-application-sample
Check this - https://github.com/amrkhaledccd/my-moments It's fairly complicated and will give you a good understanding of how multiple Spring boot apps can be built to talk to each other etc.
And as others have mentioned, pet-clinic is a good starter- https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-petclinic
You can also look at https://github.com/spring-io/initializr, you will end up using this to pick and choose your spring libraries anyway in future and most of it is spring boot apps. Code is good to look at it as a reference.
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