# Download phpactor.phar curl -Lo phpactor.phar https://github.com/phpactor/phpactor/releases/latest/download/phpactor.phar
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
phpactor/vscode-phpactor: Phpactor VS Code Extension
m1guelpf/better-pest: A better Pest test runner for VS Code
This is the most important extension to install for PHP support. It provides a fast language server that adds code completion, go to definition, formatting, and more. You can also purchase a license at Intelephense, which I highly recommend. It adds some additional features like renaming symbols and other code actions.
calebporzio/better-phpunit: A better PHPUnit test runner for VS Code
Additional plugins can be added to support more features and languages for Prettier as well, such as Blade support. Install the shufo/prettier-plugin-blade plugin and add it to the config file:
barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper: IDE Helper for Laravel