Another great resource to create web experiences that look like old versions of Windows is 98.css by Jordan Scales: https://jdan.github.io/98.css/
With it, you don't need to use React to get decent results, see?
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The uncanny valley comes to mind. It resembles Windows 95, but the fonts and spacing feel wrong.
- [Puppertino](https://github.com/codedgar/Puppertino) meant to mimic the look of macOS. [demo](https://codedgar.github.io/Puppertino/)
There's another repo on GitHub that does the same. If the number of stars is of any significance, they have more. See: https://react95.io/ or https://github.com/react95-io/React95
... there's a VM on here?! That got a really belly laugh out of me. Looks like https://github.com/copy/v86?
Awesome work! The whole aesthetic is well done.
- [System.css](https://sakofchit.github.io/system.css/) Retro Apple-inspired UI
- [XP.css](https://github.com/botoxparty/XP.css): A Windows XP inspired framework for building faithful recreations of operating system GUIs. An extension of 98.css.
Thanks! Yep - I wrote a custom React component wrapping v86 (see: https://github.com/hatf0/hat.fo-next/blob/master/components/... - needs some cleanup). The most shocking part is that Doom runs shockingly well through it, too. Looking into getting networking integrated with v86 too via Tailscale.