Svelte Legos for...everything
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Lucia for authentication
Superforms is a SvelteKit library that helps you with server-side validation and client-side display of forms.
sveltekit-superforms: Making SvelteKit validation and displaying of forms easier than ever
A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.
inlang: localization infrastructure for software and the next git (made by the inlang team and same author of the amazing typesafe-i18n library)
Send temporary data after redirect, usually from endpoints. Works with both SSR and client.
sveltekit-flash-message: Send temporary data after redirect, usually from endpoints. Works with both SSR and client
SvelteKit plugin that makes it possible to import SVG files as Svelte components, inline SVG code or urls
sveltekit-svg: SvelteKit plugin that makes it possible to import SVG files as Svelte components, inline SVG code or urls
svelte-french-toast: Buttery smooth toast notifications for Svelte
svelte-local-storage-store: A Svelte store that persists to localeStorage
inlang: localization infrastructure for software and the next git (made by the inlang team and same author of the amazing typesafe-i18n library)
layercake: graphics framework for sveltejs (it is ssr compatible)
svelte-headless-table: Unopinionated and extensible data tables for Svelte. (I haven't tried tanstack-table, but I've heard good things about it)
🤖 Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table
svelte-headless-table: Unopinionated and extensible data tables for Svelte. (I haven't tried tanstack-table, but I've heard good things about it)
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