https://github.com/blackdoor/hate could use an owner. It already has some production users but I've switched over to focusing on scala and I think this project still has some interesting potential
Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
SirixDB is an an embeddable, bitemporal, append-only database system and event store, storing immutable lightweight snapshots. It keeps the full history of each resource. Every commit stores a space-efficient snapshot through structural sharing. It is log-structured and never overwrites data. SirixDB uses a novel page-level versioning approach.
Append-only database system (based on a persistent inddx structure): https://github.com/sirixdb/sirix or a retargetable query compiler https://github.com/sirixdb/brackit
Query processor with proven optimizations, ready to use for your JSON store to query semi-structured data with JSONiq. Can also be used as an ad-hoc in-memory query processor.
Append-only database system (based on a persistent inddx structure): https://github.com/sirixdb/sirix or a retargetable query compiler https://github.com/sirixdb/brackit
If engineering/scientific projects appeal to you, Units of measurement implementations for Java are woefully behind when compared with the likes of UnitsNet for C#.
JSR 385 reference implementation Indriya - https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/indriya
More well developed implementation (with unit simplification) - https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/seshat
BoardCAD is an easy to use CAD/CAM-program that allows you to quickly design your own surfboards. BoardCAD LE is a fork of the original BoardCAD project where a few things have been removed to make it leaner and easier to maintain.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
I'll mention https://github.com/hkupty/penna here as I think it needs more testing and traction...
In case someone else wants to contribute to a mature Java library, this one could need some help: https://github.com/eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform.swt
Differential disclosure solution for maintaining and exposing information from evolving, append-only journals / ledgers.
https://github.com/crums-io/skipledger (a flexible alternative to Merkle trees w/ some interesting applications)
Elias Fano encoding improvements for compressed offset files, if you want to get down and dirty https://github.com/crums-io/io-util/blob/master/io-xp/src/main/java/io/crums/io/sef/package-info.java
This Java library allows you to optimize the work with the Apache POI library. There are wrapper classes and utility classes.
HI,may i suggest you my open source library which manipulates excel files. It uses Apache POI, but tries to give out-of-the-box tools for the user. The project is still in a development phase where I haven't defined many features yet and I'm always looking for many suggestions. Anyone is free to contribute. If you might be interested, here is the link:https://github.com/MBenincasa/java-excel-utils
That was a great library, I’m writing something similar myself aiming to be as simple and accessible https://github.com/nickd3000/garnet