Watch 'The Primeagen' neovim setup videos on YouTube to get started and look at people's nvim config to see the different ways people structure their config (e.g. https://github.com/Integralist/nvim).
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The only major feature that Neovim still has is a built in LSP client. But I find the built in Neovim LSP client is unusably buggy, you're much better off using any of the other LSP plugins. What I use is vim-lsp, but I've tried all of the major lsp client, they are all significantly better than the built in Neovim LSP.
With my new knowledge about what is all possible I started a new Vim config file, very limited to those features I already used before. No need to say, Vim loads instantly and helps me to focus on those configuration changes, I want to do every day.
If you decide to take the plunge, I recommend starting with Kickstart and work your way from there, or watch TJDevries's or ThePrimeagen's tutorials on how to get started