To use in your project, import the 'pbSettings.bas' module, and the 'Dictionary.cls' class module (also available here). Calling a method will automatically set up the worksheet/listobject. (e.g. t ype '? pbSettings.KeyExists("Version")' in the Immediate Window)
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
To use in your project, import the 'pbSettings.bas' module, and the 'Dictionary.cls' class module (also available here). Calling a method will automatically set up the worksheet/listobject. (e.g. t ype '? pbSettings.KeyExists("Version")' in the Immediate Window)
VBA Standard Library - A Collection of libraries to form a common standard layer for modern VBA applications.
If you want a solution though see stdSettings. There are both system and user settings. Users are bound by their domain, so should work across organisations :)