I like to describe lsp-zero as an opinionated configuration wrapped in a plugin. It was made to reduce the boilerplate code necessary to configure nvim-cmp and nvim-lspconfig.
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I like to describe lsp-zero as an opinionated configuration wrapped in a plugin. It was made to reduce the boilerplate code necessary to configure nvim-cmp and nvim-lspconfig.
I like to describe lsp-zero as an opinionated configuration wrapped in a plugin. It was made to reduce the boilerplate code necessary to configure nvim-cmp and nvim-lspconfig.
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
To add this in your configuration first install the plugins mason.nvim and mason-lspconfig. Then call their setup function.
To add this in your configuration first install the plugins mason.nvim and mason-lspconfig. Then call their setup function.
Here you don't need lsp-zero at all. Install luasnip and have it load the snippet collection you installed (I recommend friendly-snippets).
Here you don't need lsp-zero at all. Install luasnip and have it load the snippet collection you installed (I recommend friendly-snippets).
cmp-buffer: Completion source. It provides suggestions based on the current file.
cmp-path: Completion source. Gives suggestions based on the filesystem.
cmp_luasnip: Completion source. It shows available snippets in the suggestions.
cmp-nvim-lsp: Completion source. Shows data send by the language server.
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