21 Algol 60 Compilers in 1962
Poop: A performance optimizer observation platform
Tiger Style
TigerBeetle Test Simulator [video]
Low latency Android tablet input on Linux
Zon – object notation like JSON in Zig
Denial, Anger, and Bargaining: Building a Library for React
Financial Transactions Database 1000x Faster
First Reverse Proxy Built with Zig
npm is SLOW! 🐌 This is better (and easy) 🍞
Electrobun: Tiny desktop apps with Bun and TypeScript
Gremlin.zig – Google Protocol Buffers in pure Zig, no protoc needed
Show HN: Lyceum – An MMO game built with Zig and Erlang
Tiger Style (TigerBeetle)
Ryan Dahl introduces Deno 2 [video]
Linux Syscall Support
The wicked path of independent Linux Distro
Best non-cryptographic bit-mixer in 2024 [Zig]
Flow Control: a programmer's text editor
Zig is everything I want C to be
Introduction to Zig (a project-based book)
An open, technical and introductory book for the Zig programming language
Efficient API consumption for huge data in JavaScript
Bun (Bite-size Article)
Zooming to Zig : Tips, Tricks, and Trip-Ups
Every bug/quirk of the Windows resource compiler (RC.exe), probably
Zzz – A library for writing performant and reliable networked services
The Curtain of DB Tools
Snapshot Testing for the Masses
Creatura – WASM Zig Experiment
300k USD Donation Pledged by Mitchell Hashimoto
TigerBeetle Coding Style Guide
Migrating from shell script to "Bun script"
All-in-one multiplatform Zig binary
Snek – Blazing fast CLI builder for Zig applications
The Python Package Index Should Get Rid of Its Training Wheels
Using Zig to Add UTF8 Unicode Support
Zdotenv – Dotenv Loader for Zig
Show HN: Chili. Rust port of Spice, a low-overhead parallelization library
Show HN: 2D Matrix Rain in Zig
AppRunner: A Tmux-Based CLI Tool to Launch Multiple Apps Simultaneously
Bunjs with PM2
Show HN: HypergraphZ – A Hypergraph Implementation in Zig
Show HN: HypergraphZ – A Hypergraph Implementation in Zig
Show HN: HyperZig – A Hypergraph Implementation in Zig
Zig: Prefer depending on NtDll rather than kernel32 or other higher level DLLs
Zigimports: Unused Imports Remover for Zig
Bun.JS Is Indeed Faster