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Frédéric MARAND

Software Engineer specialized in backend application performance

After working on network programming (sockets, RPC) since 1985 and web technologies since 1993, I started to specialize on website backed speed and scalability using observability results, first for PHP applications since 2005, especially those using Drupal, then those using Go since 2012, mostly in cloud-hosted micro-service applications built around Kafka, RabbitMQ and other queues. Being a contributor to many open source projects including Drupal, MongoDB, and Doctrine ORM enables me to offer my clients internals-level knowledge of tools most developers just take for granted, to help them deliver faster user experiences and often reduce hosting costs at the same time.

Work Availability
Actively Looking
  • 🇫🇷 France
  • Remote OK
  • Office OK
Role Level
  • Senior
  • Staff/Principal
Role Preferences
  • Full-time Contract
  • Part-time Contract
  • Freelance

  • izidic

    I designed izidic after spending a lot of time with Google Wire and Uber Dig/FX at Deliveroo and looking for simpler alternatives for microservices that are really micro and do not have the need for the complexity in those larger libraries.

    Coming from the PHP environment, the lightweight Pimple container was an inspiration, where those libraries would have been more akin to Symfony DI.

    It is for you if you do not want to use compile-time code generation like Wire and do not care for quasi-magic using reflection like Dig/FX. On the other hand, it may not be an ideal choice if you are building a million-line monolith. Not saying that you should build one, but having seen so many of those, one cannot rule them out.