
xmrig-made-easy | salad-applications | |
2 | 25 | |
11 | 159 | |
- | 1.9% | |
4.6 | 9.1 | |
over 3 years ago | 2 days ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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So I’m uninstalling salad, and I want to remove every file related due to other user’s experiences.
I believe those are all Salad related. If you want to remove all of Salad's files, there's the Obliterator which you can find here. Alternatively, you can find the source for the Obliterator here if you prefer to build it yourself.
Random folder popped up?
Salad-Enterprise is an application that mines in the background. If you didn't install it then it's probably a virus of some sort. https://github.com/SaladTechnologies/salad-applications/blob/master/packages/desktop-app/README.md
Nicehash wallet address location?
Salad store for phones pls!
I'm happy that I did help, But if you will use the OS you have to search for what I told you before and extract you're Nicehash wallet address from salad and that depends on which version of salad that you use (I recommend using 0.5.8 : https://github.com/SaladTechnologies/salad-applications/releases/tag/0.5.8 ) then you can use this video : https://youtu.be/VUNu_KLjRGg (This video is not mine but it's helpful) then use the Nicehash wallet address and use it in Hive OS and if you don't know how just search for "How to link Hive OS with nicehash" and that's what I do for mining with salad instead holding Bitcoin and selling them, I use salad and get my earnings.
- good old salad.io
- will there ever be a linux version ?
How to build salad 1.0.1 for debian based OS
Considering that the salad app references the windows tray, I do not think that's possible. Anyway https://github.com/SaladTechnologies/salad-applications/releases
degraded cant mine
Hi! The new 1.0 version is quite buggy. The best solution is to use the old version: 0.5.8, which can be found at https://github.com/SaladTechnologies/salad-applications/releases
Salad was working now it isn't.
Honestly there are so many bugs with 1.0 atm, I'd personally head back to 0.5.8 until they fix it all
Hi nothing is showing up so i cant add my mining software :(
(0.5.8 can be found Here.)
What are some alternatives?
xmrig-docker-compose - Docker-compose files for building xmrig from source from official github repo
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