Go for Visual Studio Code
GNU/Emacs go-mode

Go for Visual Studio Code | GNU/Emacs go-mode | |
4 | 4 | |
5,981 | 1,398 | |
- | 0.2% | |
7.6 | 3.6 | |
over 4 years ago | 8 months ago | |
TypeScript | Emacs Lisp | |
- | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License |
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Go for Visual Studio Code
Mastering Golang Debugging in Emacs
You have different fields/properties which according to this page you can tweak in your debugging configuration:
- Testing flow for Go in VS Code?
- I finally figured out how to run Go on WSL2/windows and debug in vscode.
How do I disable the GoLang's auto-formatting on file save in VSCode?
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I looked at this and even looked at what Go themselves had to say on their VSCode extension page, but neither of these are helping.
GNU/Emacs go-mode
- go-mode.el: Emacs mode for the Go programming language
setting up emacs for go programming language
It seems that most Go utilities have been submerged into gopls, the LSP server. So a lot of older websites that suggest how to configure go-mode might be outdated, because of the cultural shift away from the unix-ish little, collaborative utilities approach. This means you will need a LSP client -- the Go project has some documentation on that. I'd strongly recommend Eglot, if you are uncertain what to use(0). This page explains how to install gopls with your Go toolchain.
Is there an emacs equivalent of "Dash.app" ?
I haven't used Dash, so I don't know the specifics of what it works, but if it works like running pydoc or godoc or whatever Java has inside your text editor, here is a plugin for pydoc inside emacs and here's another for godoc (as part of a larger mode for go). I just tested godoc and it seems to work fine, if a little too basic.
How can I use the Go language on emacs?
This question makes very little sense to be honest. Try using spacemacs. It has a go language server runner. Otherwise try this https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el
What are some alternatives?
Local Golang playground - GNU/Emacs mode that setup local Go playground for code snippets like play.golang.org or even better :)
vim-go - Go development plugin for Vim
Watch - Watches for changes in a directory tree and reruns a command in an acme win or just on the terminal.
gocode - An autocompletion daemon for the Go programming language
GoSublime - A Golang plugin collection for SublimeText 3, providing code completion and other IDE-like features.
coc-go - Go language server extension using gopls for coc.nvim.
vscode-go - Go extension for Visual Studio Code
vscode-go-doc - An Microsoft Visual Code extension for Golang to print symbol definition to output
lsp-mode - Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol