
star-history | starred | |
47 | 5 | |
6,949 | 1,654 | |
2.5% | 1.3% | |
6.0 | 2.1 | |
8 days ago | 7 months ago | |
TypeScript | Python | |
MIT License | MIT License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Open source alternative to Postman / Insomnia
They explicitly sold themselves as an Insomnia alt.
Here is their usage graph:
Insomnia introduced account shenanigans around the end of Sept 23:
- Airflow – Stream media files directly from macOS to AirPlay devices
Why and How I Created an Explorer for GitHub Awesome Lists
Sort by Trending: I want to display projects that have gained the most stars in the past week or month. I've learned from how to generate star history and have started implementing it, but it needs testing.
- Nginx Has Moved to GitHub
- Coolify The self-hosting revolution for the 99%
- GitHub Star History
What's trending on GitHub week ending July 28 2024
Is this an editorialized list? Or is there some sort of programmatic filter applied?
Would have expected to see our repo, roboflow/sports, here given 1211 new stars (4.3x) this week.
Node.js Is Here to Stay
Comparing to Node it seems to be at about the same rate: It's actually quite impressive how close it is.
Ask HN: Why do you all think that Htmx is such a recent development?
I created the library that would become intercooler.js in 2012 and released it in 2013, based on a mashup of $.load(), pjax & angular attributes.
The world at that time was not ready to consider an alternative to the hot new ideas coming out of the big tech companies (angular from google, react from facebook).
In 2020 during covid i decided to rewrite intercooler.js w/o the jQuery dependency and rename it to htmx. The django community started picking it up because they were being largely ignored by the next.js/etc. world and they didn't have a built in alternative like rails has w/ Turbo.
In 2023 it got picked up by an ocaml twitch streamer, teej_dv, who knew some other folks in the twitch programming community. He told ThePrimeagen about it who took a look at it in July 2023 on stream and became enthusiastic about it. At the same time FireshipDev did an "htmx in 100 seconds" short on it. That lit the rocket. I was lucky that I also had just released my book at around the same time (it had been cancelled by a major publisher about a year beforehand.)
Another thing that happened is that Musk bought twitter, and a large number of big tech twitter accounts left. This opened up an opportunity for new tech twitter accounts to grow up, like a fire in a forest. I am pretty good at twitter and was able to take advantage of that situation.
Here's the story visually:
So I spent about a decade screaming into the void about hypermedia and had largely given up on the idea making a dent, rewrote intercooler.js just to stay sane during covid and then got very, very lucky.
Stirling PDF: Self-hosted, web-based PDF manipulation tool
I have some questions about the Github Star history, it's very unusual to see a ~1 year old with 20k+ stars.
It went from 6k to 15k+ stars in a few days around 2023 Christmas when global internet traffic is usually lowest, and I couldn't find any major social media posts or announcements around that time. If you're gonna buy stars don't buy 10k+ stars on one day, spread it out a bit!
Beautify GitHub profile
Starred can help with that.
Potherca's Weekly Github Stars - 2020 Week 25
View on GitHub
- A curated list of my GitHub stars
- GitHub Starred
What are some alternatives?
receiptline - Markdown for receipts. Printable digital receipts. Generate receipt printer commands and images.
Bitcoin-wallet-cracker - Automated Bitcoin wallet generator that with mnemonic and passphrases bruteforces wallet addresses
nix-prisma-example - An example Prisma project using nix
Hacktoberfest-2024 - Make this Hacktoberfest a learning period and contribute to Great Open Source Projects.
DoubleStar - A personalized/enhanced re-creation of the Darkhotel "Double Star" APT exploit chain with a focus on Windows 8.1 and mixed with some of my own techniques
hackthebox - Notes Taken for HTB Machines & InfoSec Community.
redux-undo - :recycle: higher order reducer to add undo/redo functionality to redux state containers
awesome-solid - ⬣ Awesome list of Solid (Social Linked Data) tools, libraries, resources, and shiny things.
robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
Commited - Commited is the GitHub repo with the most commits!
timeonsite - Timeonsitetracker.js - Modern, Accurate & Real-time "Time on site"/User Engagement tracking for web and mobile browsers - ARCHIVED Source code for