
nixos-config | .dots | |
6 | 26 | |
491 | 245 | |
3.5% | 2.9% | |
9.7 | 6.3 | |
8 days ago | 2 days ago | |
Nix | Nix | |
- | MIT License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Brew-Nix: a flake automatically packaging all homebrew casks
> Located in the nix store, so not indexed by Spotlight
Raycast, as opposed to Spotlight, does index apps installed through home-manager.
My config:
- minimal, fast prompt for any shell
If you use home-manager, installing starship is as simple as adding `programs.starship.enable = true;`.
Incidentally, starship also gives a visual indication of whether you are in the nix shell or not, which is pretty handy when using direnv:
- Diving straight into flakes with no channels?
Sharing configuration between NixOS and MacOS
In I share home-manager modules (everything under ./home/ basically) between NixOS and macOS.
- Is there any equivalent to a curated Fedora/Ubuntu? A NixOS-based distro or metarepo of configs perhaps?
- Neovim unstable
Fish and nix develop question
I have a wrapper function that just maps to dev to make life easier:
Possible to make a machine independent NixOS configuration/flake?
Never fully got it to work, so I just encrypt my secrets when I build my isos:
Hardware configuration in nix flake dotfiles?
I have multiple files for each machine based on hostname. I have CI strip my config of all system specific information for general distribution. For reference:
Using current flake setup with WSL2
I build a wsl image:
- Diving straight into flakes with no channels?
how to store secrets needed at install time
What I do: Keep secrets in a separate git repo as a flake, and have a stub flake, that can be overridden:
Rice NixOS?
My dots
(maybe) ex arch user need some help to understand
I have a script that will symlink my dotfiles in (github:dmadisetti/.dots/, because you also end up with weird RO permissions if you do it through Nix. I think this is fine. It also means that you aren't stuck with Nix
Have a shell command in configuration.nix that runs on nixos-rebuild
The way I manage multiple systems is with a wrapper:
Arch user, convince me to hop to Nix
The only thing that is semi manual is setting up disks on first install (something you'd still have to do with arch). You can still script that:
What are some alternatives?
nixos-licheepi4a - NixOS Running on LicheePi 4A(RISC-V)
nixfiles - My NixOS configuration and assorted other crap.
nixos-config - Mirror of
nix-starter-configs - Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
nixos-configs - My NixOS configs
nixcfg - My nix configuration(s), using flakes. It's my laptop, it's my servers, it's my everything, in code.
nixpkgs-config - ~/.config/nixpkgs
Dotfiles.nix - My reproducible system config made with nix
NCC - RGBCube's NixOS Configuration Collection.
nixos-config - My NixOS configurations.
nixos-configs - My NixOS and nix-darwin configs
deploy-rs - A simple multi-profile Nix-flake deploy tool.