Android SDK Plugin for SBT

Android SDK Plugin for SBT | Retrofit | |
3 | 47 | |
741 | 43,270 | |
0.0% | 0.2% | |
0.0 | 8.9 | |
about 4 years ago | 13 days ago | |
Java | HTML | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | Apache License 2.0 |
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Android SDK Plugin for SBT
Scala on Android
The way to get Scala running on Android again would be to get to the bottom of as mentioned in another comment, this is likely to be much easier than rewriting half the compiler to emit Java 7 bytecode.
Is Scala Worth Learning in 2021?
There was also this sbt plugin sbt-android which enabled you to write Scala for Android and took care of everything.
Using Retrofit Interceptors to check network connection in Android and testing it
from this point on, I will assume, you have a basic understanding of Retrofit. To get the most out of this tutorial I would actually suggest you have a retrofit client already implemented in your application.
Lets make a Twitch Android app. Part 1. App access tokens
Now you might think that in order to make the request we are going to use Retrofit but in reality we are going to be sending out an implicit intent like so:
Using OAuth2.0 and Retrofit to talk to the GitHub api on Android
This particular blog post will be us building on the information from the previous blog post and using the authorization code from the GitHub OAuth API in combination with Retrofit. To finally get a access token, which allows us to make requests to the API on a behalf of a user.
Show HN: Turn Your APIs into Swift Protocols
Hey HN!
If you're a fan of Swift you may have noticed that with WWDC 2023 came the (beta) release of macros. They're super powerful and expressive!
I've been wishing Swift had a [Retrofit]( style API definition library for years, and with macros it seemed like this was now possible.
I'd like to show you all Papyrus, a library that turns your APIs into type-safe Swift protocols.
Would love to get your feedback.
Looking for android java developer mentor
When it comes to consuming APIs I can definitely recommend Retrofit. Hopefully that's enough to get you started on where to look!
Akka-HTTP in android
For Android you should use a more mobile friendly framework like Retrofit or if you use Kotlin you can use the multi-platform Ktor library with it's client module
Google play closed testing
for example have mentioned it in at the bottom. Similarly there maybe other rules for other dependencies. Usually I search the missing classes error in google and find some proguard rule for it.
What stack to use for app with functionality like event calendar?
Retrofit in combination with OkHttp for fetching data from server (which hopefully already exists)
Connecting an API (Java Spring) to an Android application
The first get request is to retrieve a list of objects and the second one is to get a single one. You can read more about RetroFit here.
Moving from iOS development and I have a question about finding dependencies
So I've been playing around with and perhaps I'm not quite understanding it. For example, if I look for Retrofit I'm not seeing anything that resembles retrofit above
What are some alternatives?
Scaloid - Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
Feign - Feign makes writing java http clients easier
Gradle Android Scala Plugin - gradle-android-scala-plugin adds scala language support to official gradle android plugin
OkHttp - Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
Macroid - A modular functional UI language for Android
unirest-java - Unirest in Java: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
scalaonandroid - A tutorial and examples of how to write Android apps in Scala 2.13 and Scala 3.
Jersey - Eclipse Jersey Project - Read our Wiki:
jadx - Dex to Java decompiler
Android Volley
MPAndroidChart - A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
RESTEasy - An Implementation of the Jakarta RESTful Web Services Specification