
lualine.nvim | heirline.nvim | |
73 | 29 | |
6,594 | 1,092 | |
3.0% | 2.0% | |
6.9 | 5.4 | |
10 days ago | 17 days ago | |
Lua | Lua | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Ultimate Neovim Setup Guide: lazy.nvim Plugin Manager
nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim: A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
dapui and lualine visual/aesthetic configuration
However, this is what my current setup looks like. 1. No titles. 2. lualine at the very bottom. Any suggestions? I tried reading the docs (dapui, lualine), but am kinda lost. I am not sure what I did wrong?
Lualine.nvim not seeming to respect highlight groups? Custom theme table seems to have some quirks
I'm trying to create a custom theme for lualine.nvim, and I'm having a lot of difficulty with the colors.
Benchmarking some of my favourite neovim plugins over time
- Your favourite Neovim plugins?
Tips for debugging Lualine Plugin not displaying
I've installed the plugins (and removed + reinstalled multiple times) and my status bar continues to look like the default. I went through nearly every recommendation here with no effect:
Change statusLine design
There is actually a pre-made example of that bubble theme in the lualine repo:
Please inform me of the plugin(s) enabling these two features
First one could be lualine and Aerial.
How do you set the bg color of the status bar in lualine?
Look into the themes I bet they will show you
LuaLine Separator Size Bug
Do you know if there is some workaround for this "bug"
Multifunctional IDE using Neovim (3 of 3)
View on GitHub
- Icon instead of the relative number
Your favourite Neovim plugins? is a very configurable statusline/tabline/winbar framework
Where can I get these fancy looking tabs?
it's by the same author as kanagawa (where the picture is from, I presume),
Terminal Nvim
p.s. author of heirline and kanagawa
Best statusline and file explorer plugins written in lua using basic font?
I think you should try heirline for statusline. It doesn't provide any default statusline tho. You have to bake your own statusline with heirline by reading their cookbook. Great if you want full control over your statusline.
- VSCode like window tabs
AstroNvim v3.0 - Now with lazy.nvim and a plugin sharing community!
Along with statusline and winbar, we also now have a custom tabline and statuscolumn (neovim v0.9 only) using heirline.nvim
- How can I make this statusline work with vim.opt.laststatus = 2 ? It only works with vim.opt.laststatus = 3
Feline.nvim is archived. You can blame reddit for this one
The most up-to-date and flexible status line plugin left seems to be heirline.nvim. I ported my feline config over and it didn't take too long
What are some alternatives?
catppuccin - 😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
git-blame.nvim - Git Blame plugin for Neovim written in Lua
vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
noice.nvim - 💥 Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.
bufferline.nvim - A snazzy bufferline for Neovim
legendary.nvim - 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, integrates with which-key.nvim, lazy.nvim, and more.
nvim-navic - Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context
kanagawa.nvim - NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
feline.nvim - A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua
docker-dev - Container images for portable development environments
tmux.nvim - tmux integration for nvim features pane movement and resizing from within nvim.
guihua.lua - A GUI library for Neovim plugin developers