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What is providing security for MWEB?
For a detailed technical explaination, you can read the LIP3 proposal itself here:
Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread - August
The first draft of LIP-0006, which details the changes and additions to the p2p protocol, is now out for review.
- Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread - April
It's official, signalling for Litecoin's privacy feature has completed and active for immediate use.
LIP002 & LIP003 describe the design of MWEB.
- Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread - March
- Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread - February
- Is there an example of how LTC extension blocks work to provide MimbleWimble functionality?
- Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread - January
- Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread - December
- อะไรคือ Derivation Path
- A finite monetary supply for Bitcoin
Apple Could Add Bitcoin to Apple Wallet
Some years ago, I saw a wallet called [Spark]( that let you generate a QR-code to view in your Apple Wallet and Apple Watch Wallet. It was for receiving over lightning, not sending.
I guess with unified [BIP21]( QR-codes, anyone can already add a RECEIVING wallet code to Apple Wallet today.
I don't think Apple want's to be the middle man in receiving Bitcoin payments though because “tainted” coins exist in the C-suite mind, and they would rather not receive and handle those.
But Jack Mallers recently told me he wants to integrate Apple Pay into [Strike](, so who knows, something similar will exist soon.
Show HN: I created an app for you to be a more unpredictable romantic partner
Anything you put elsewhere is not more secure, unless you are more secure than Apple's servers, which seems highly unlikely. If you don't have it, it can't get compromised.
The user has an iCloud account, you can write to iCloud storage without making them "sign in" to your app. It's their data, they can find it in the folder for your app in their iCloud drive on a Mac.
And see for a way to let two users coordinate "play", multiplayer, turn based, achievements, etc., which cover most of the interaction you'd need.
For sharing personality test, a person can do their own and their partner's, but for a better take on the partner you and your partner can each take your own test then generate a sharable fun code that captures the "bits" of the answers without repeating the test. As partners, you could tell each other the sharable code as a NFC bump or QR code to scan, or generate one of the word based codes like bitcoin wallet passwords.
See BIP39:
(This passphrase would be short if the test results distill down to a smaller set of outcomes, like 64 questions give 8 results. It would be long if you need all 64 questions' answers to match with.)
Understanding and avoiding visually ambiguous characters in IDs
Modern bitcoin addresses use a base-32 character set that leaves out some of the most ambiguous pairs and also permutes the address ordering so that the most visually similar remaining characters produce single bit errors which are better handled by the addresses error detecting (and potentially correcting) code.
Bitcoin Block 840000
Context: Bitcoin miners have just adopted a 50% pay cut for themselves. This pay cut was baked into Bitcoin protocol at the launch of the network (mostly, see "BIP 42" [1]). The OP link gives information about the block in which this pay cut was made.
I get that HN comments tend to dismiss Bitcoin. But the fact that for the fourth time this pay cut has happened without a hitch speaks volumes to what makes Bitcoin interesting: It's a rare combination of economic incentives and technology that keeps chugging. Nobody can stop it. And it's extremely resistant to change. It requires no governmental approval. All attempts at subversion or interference have failed. There aren't many things that come close to that kind of record.
Generating and Working With ScriptPubKeys in Bitcoin Transactions
Bitcoin transactions involve locking funds in scripts, which can only be spent if those locking conditions are met. The part of the script that expresses these locking conditions are called ScriptPubKeys. On the other hand, the part that provides unlocking scripts to satisfy the locking conditions is referred to as ScriptSig for legacy transactions, and ScriptWitness for SegWit Transactions. These scripts are evaluated by a stack-based language called Script. This article will mainly focus on ScriptPubKeys.
- Blue Wallet and seed phrases
Nano S seed compromised?
Here’s the reference
Do you use 12 - 24 words?
There are 5 271 537 971 301 488 476 000 309 317 528 177 868 800 possible permutations of the bip39 wordlist found here: when using 12 word seeds. You probably have better change to win the lottery every week for the rest of your life than cracking a 12 word seed in correct order
What are some alternatives?
brainflayer - A proof-of-concept cracker for cryptocurrency brainwallets and other low entropy key algorithms.
bip39 - A web tool for converting BIP39 mnemonic codes
litecoin - Litecoin source tree
EIPs - The Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
lips - Litecoin Improvement Proposals. See
solidity - Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
trezor-firmware - :lock: Trezor Firmware Monorepo
Bitcoin - Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
Wallets Recovery - Information about wallet defaults for external recovery
restake - Auto-compounder script for Cosmos Validators using REStake