laravel-medialibrary | corcel | |
7 | 12 | |
5,834 | 4,683 | |
0.3% | 0.3% | |
8.9 | 5.2 | |
4 days ago | 6 months ago | |
PHP | PHP | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Nova with Spatie MediaLibrary
I have it working ok for a single image using this idea but need the user to be able to add multiple images.
What's up with spatie not touching s3
The current version as of writing this is 10.5.2 released 8 days ago.
- Spatie Media Library has a server crashing vulnerability
Best practice: Image path in each model or single shared Image model?
Use this, i use it in all my projects.
Polymorphism in the database
An example of a good use of a polymorphic relationship can be seen in the Rails Active Storage module, which allows you to attach files to a model, and instead of duplicating the database columns and tables for each model that has attachments, there are two general tables: activestorage_attachments (attachments; relationship info) and activestorage_blobs (blobs; file info). A model can have one or many attachments (has_one_attachment and has_many_attachments, both can be used more than once depending on your needs), an attachment belongs to a record (record_id and record_type) and belongs to a blob (blob_id), and blobs have one attachment. You can access an attachment attribute on the related model like so, user.avatar # has_one_attachment(:avatar); or for many attachments of the same type, # an array of attachments; has_many_attachments(:photos). There’s a Laravel package similar to this called spatie/laravel-medialibrary.
Laravel + angular
For storing files and associating them with models, I can highly recommend Spatie's Media Library. Used it in a project recently and haven't had any hassle with it.
- Corcel – Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
What can Corcel bring to WordPress?
It's here, but you may prefer Composer, the package manager for PHP:
How do i deal with wordpress if i dont want to code in its ecosystem but can code
Or alternatively - there are php packages for working directly with a wp database outside of wordpress:,
- Laravel - Wordpress integration
I have a Laravel 8 app and I want to add a simple blog to it. Do you know any Laravel Blog libraries for Inertia JS?
If you go this route, Corcel is great.
Any one aware on how to integrate a Laravel backend code with many WordPress frontend sites
You could also try something like Corcel for heavier emphasis on Laravel usage.
Should I learn Laravel and become an SWE...or something else?
Another thing you may want to keep up your sleeve to transition between the two is Corcel, which lets you use WP for the backend/body, and Laravel to render the frontend/head of an application.
wordpress port
There are "bridges" like
Using WordPress as a PHP framework
- WordPress is 18
What are some alternatives?
laravel-eloquent-query-cache - Adding cache on your Laravel Eloquent queries' results is now a breeze.
sage - WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and block editor support
laravel-translatable - Making Eloquent models translatable
bedrock - WordPress boilerplate with Composer, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure
laravel-mongodb - A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)
laravel-attributes - ⚠️ [ABANDONED] Rinvex Attributable is a robust, intelligent, and integrated Entity-Attribute-Value model (EAV) implementation for Laravel Eloquent, with powerful underlying for managing entity attributes implicitly as relations with ease. It utilizes the power of Laravel Eloquent, with smooth and seamless integration.
WordPress-Coding-Standards - PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions
laravel-imageup - Auto Image & file upload, resize and crop for Laravel eloquent model using Intervention image
gutenberg - The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.
squire - A library of static Eloquent models for common fixture data.
Shortcode - Advanced shortcode (BBCode) parser and engine for PHP