flutter_local_notifications | flutter_tts | |
6 | 1 | |
2,505 | 644 | |
0.9% | 2.6% | |
8.4 | 8.9 | |
11 days ago | 13 days ago | |
Dart | Dart | |
BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | MIT License |
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- Handling Firebase Notifications in Flutter: Practical Tips
- A chat notification
Alarm App Help: Draw over other apps
For those who are interested, I have a workaround using the local_notifications_plugin. First of all, fullScreenIntent needs to be turned on. This will launch the application in a full-screen mode if the app isn't currently in use (i.e. the phone is locked). The next thing is to follow: https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_local_notifications/issues/99 To quickly explain: using getNotificationAppLaunchDetails() in the main() method of your app launch, you can return a boolean on whether the app was launched through the notification. This allows you to route the app like this:
- How to create local notifications
- How to Navigate to certain screen of app after tapping on notification.
Flutter or native (IOS/Android) from a client perspective
running dart code in background while the app is terminated (e.g. notifications plugin is blocked by flutter https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_local_notifications/issues/17)
What are Flutter's Current Gotchas?
For all the rest, you will use the exactly same thing you use in Kotlin. Each Flutter plugin can Java, Kotlin, Swift and Objective-C code to support it. For instance: Text to Speech. If you get this plugin: flutter_tts | Flutter Package (pub.dev) you will notice that it have a Java counterpart ( flutter_tts/FlutterTtsPlugin.java at master · dlutton/flutter_tts (github.com) ) and a lot of swift stuff ( flutter_tts/ios at master · dlutton/flutter_tts (github.com) ) to do the same for iOS. Dart talks to this plugins sending messages (a string for the name of the action (i.e. "speak") and parameters). So, if your "native" Kotlin import will add some startup time or will inflate your app from 4Mb to 30Mb, the same will happen in Flutter.
What are some alternatives?
isar - Extremely fast, easy to use, and fully async NoSQL database for Flutter
Taskez - A Productivity Mobile Application UI kit built with Flutter
flutter-permission-handler - Permission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions.
flutter-geolocator - Android and iOS Geolocation plugin for Flutter
bluebubbles-app - A cross-platform app ecosystem, bringing iMessage to Android, PC (Windows, Linux, & even macOS), and Web!
Flutter-AssetsAudioPlayer - Play simultaneously music/audio from assets/network/file directly from Flutter, compatible with android / ios / web / macos, displays notifications
flutter-maplibre-gl - Customizable, performant and vendor-free vector and raster maps, flutter wrapper for maplibre-native and maplibre-gl-js (fork of flutter-mapbox-gl/maps)
flutter_carplay - 🚗 Apple CarPlay for Flutter Apps. Aims to make it safe to use apps made with Flutter in the car by integrating with CarPlay.
flutter_reactive_ble - Flutter library that handles BLE operations for multiple devices.
Agora-Flutter-SDK - Flutter plugin of Agora RTC SDK for Android/iOS/macOS/Windows
network_tools - Networking Tools library which can help you discover open ports, devices on subnet and many other things.