emoncms | EmonLib | |
8 | 19 | |
1,254 | 598 | |
0.4% | 0.8% | |
8.1 | 0.0 | |
about 1 month ago | almost 2 years ago | |
PHP | C++ | |
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 |
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It ain’t much but $350 later and I’ve got my first kiln. Just excited and wanted to share!
I think I have seen others do this with some smaller dedicated timer thermocouple controllers.. but I wanted to be able to write software to do more.. like email me start/stop emails.. and the openenergy monitor emonpi gives access to emoncms.org which lets me see the kiln temps 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.. and they have an iphone app that you can use to see the data.. so all I had to do was figure out how to publish the data to their service.. and then write a if then loop python script to check for the kiln temp at a time.. if low..turn kiln on.. if high.. turn it off.... I have dreams of a cleaner simpler script.. but no time to get it done.
- OpenEnergyMonitor – open-source monitoring for energy
- Electrical monitoring for tripping circuits?
- Has anyone installed a engery monitoring system? Last electric bill came in and it's still high even though heat hasn't been running much as previous month. House is entirely LED too. Would love to be able to monitor and have a better idea of my energy usages.
- Breaker Power Usage Sensor with local API, no cloud dependency?
Energy consumption monitor that actually works
Take a look at CircuitSetup.us for their EmonESP whole-house energy monitor. I got their single phase with two current transformers several months ago and it has worked perfectly. It has a web page, sends out MQTT messages and can simultaneously send out emoncms data (see emoncms.org ).
- New electrical circuit wish list
- Wireless multi-sensor energy monitoring solution
Using Antminer (or similar) as a dump load for extra solar PV power?
I also use the Open Energy Monitor project. https://openenergymonitor.org/
Home Energy Monitoring Dashboard
I knew https://openenergymonitor.org/ a year ago. Maybe It is your interest
Energy metering with general microprocessors?
You may take a look at https://openenergymonitor.org.
Help / collaberation with algo to charge EV from battery and/or PV and/or grid
https://openenergymonitor.org/ would be a good place to start, it's a mature project where the hard work is done.
An electricity monitoring device
You'll probably find the resources available on the OpenEnergyMonitor website quite useful, specifically their documentation on electricity monitoring. That covers theory, how to perform the required maths on an Arduino, and how to select the correct sensors etc.
Smart plug with power measurement >2300W
Here's the one I use, good combination of hackable and user friendly, although it took a bit of research to understand what kit and add-ons I needed cause it's got a good number of possible confegurations: https://openenergymonitor.org/
EV Charging Station Location
I use Open Energy Monitor gear at home to monitor my (wholesale) power price and solar generation. They have off-the-shelf gear for EV chargers where the feed wattage is controlled. All you would need is a billing aspect.
Whole Home Energy Monitoring
You can also look at https://openenergymonitor.org/ . The unit that goes in the electrical box is ESP8266-based, so if you don't want to use their software you might be able to get it running in esphome.
What is the best way to monitor the energy usage of the entire in-law unit without having individual appliances plugged in to smart switches (which the tenants could easily unplug and tamper)
Lots of ways. Sense.io. a few open source ones, iotawatt.com. Haven’t looked at this one too much https://openenergymonitor.org
- OpenEnergyMonitor is an open source monitoring system for energy
What are some alternatives?
IoTaWatt - IoTaWatt Open WiFi Electric Energy Monitor
EmonLib-esp32 - Electricity monitoring library - install in Arduino IDE's libraries folder then restart the IDE
kiln-controller - Python script to read max31850s and control SSR's to fire an electric kiln
esphome - Custom component for ESPHome to add support for the Emporia Vue 2 energy monitor
rtlamr2mqtt - Docker container to send rtlamr readings to a mqtt broker
Home Assistant - :house_with_garden: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
powerwall_exporter - Prometheus exporter for Tesla Powerwall data
Laravel - Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
capsicum-rs - Rust bindings for the FreeBSD capsicum framework