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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Best drag and drop library
svelte-dnd-actions is a good one. Also, if you want inspiration for the CV builder, there's an amazing app called cvfy built with nuxt.js and tailwindcss by Claudia Benito.
CvFy - Create your CV/resume as PDF in a few minutes in both English and Spanish!
Can ZIL Wallets Make UI Fixes to Reflect TRUE Cost of Sending/Claiming?
There's NO NEED for wallets to require 60, or 100 ZIL in a user's wallet to claim rewards or send ZIL. Not only is this unnecessary, but it confuses users who incorrectly believe that this is the cost of interacting with the Zilliqa blockchain. Zillet’s change was particularly maddening, as I had many orders of magnitude of ZIL locked in the staking contract but was unexpectedly stuck when Zillet raised the minimum amount required without notice.
New fees on Zillet for claiming stacking rewards!!??
No; it used to be a different number. They literally changed the code from 30 to 100 only hours ago
- Changed Minimum ZIL to Claim Rewards using Ledger
I checked their github's latest commits and see that they changed the minimum balance from 30 ZIL to 100.
What are some alternatives?
i-hate-regex - The code for 😈 - The Regex Cheat Sheet
vuesion - Vuesion is a boilerplate that empowers product teams to build faster with modern best practices across engineering and design. It features a full-stack framework, comprehensive design system, robust testing, and seamless internationalization.
vue-notion - A fast Vue renderer for Notion pages
amazonClone - An Amazon Clone eShop, created with VueJs 3, TailwindCss and Firebase.
svelte-file-dropzone - Svelte component for fileupload
Zilliqa - Zilliqa is the world's first high-throughput public blockchain platform - designed to scale to thousands ​of transactions per second.
App - Browse the most popular Boorus with the Rule 34 App.
static-medium-isr-in-nuxtjs-with-layer0 - Demo showing off ISR in Nuxt.js with Edgio
best-resume-ever - :necktie: :briefcase: Build fast :rocket: and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
kusama-validator-resource-center - Validator Resource Center and Ranking Website for Kusama
Hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem.