
walletconnect-example-dapp | useDApp | |
1 | 29 | |
353 | 1,604 | |
- | 0.4% | |
2.0 | 6.7 | |
11 months ago | 8 months ago | |
TypeScript | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Help with react deployment
I tried using Vercel but it just shows blank. I forked this repository
- Is there any way to call metamask from my own chrome extension?
React Hooks for Web3 Ethereum Developers
web3 - 3D Web3 serie
There are other several libraries to create a web3 enviroment as: Rainbowkit || Wagmi || Scaffold-eth || useDApp || web3modal || Web3-UI
Contributing to Ergo
Something like https://usedapp.io for react/Js
What is the most modern way to connect to a ... a dapp? Man... I'm a dinosaur and it's only been 2 years
You should also check out useDapp. It brings a lot more than connections but since you're writing a dapp anyway, it's gonna be useful
Where to start as a developer in Defi?
If you’re a react dev, take a look at useDApp to connect your front end to the blockchain. Good luck!
How to handle wallet connection in a dapp
Check out useDApp - https://usedapp.io/ I'm using it for connecting to Harmony and its very straightforward to set up and utilize. (I'm not affiliated with useDApp in any way.)
My first NFT dApp okomongo is live 🎉
Yeah, the whole login process was one of the major pains within this project. But I found a useful stack to implement it smoothly. First of all, I built the app using the "useDApp" lib (https://github.com/EthWorks/useDApp). This lib creates lots of great hooks to use, which integrates perfectly into the React framework. This lib provides a one-function-solution to login using browser wallets (activateBrowserWallet). But that's only half of the job. For all other users I am using the "WalletConnectConnector" lib from the great "web3-react" framework. This lib creates the frontend dialog and returns the chosen provider, which I forward to the "useDApp" library for the hooks and blockchain connection. Here is the main code for the login procedure: import { useEthers } from '@usedapp/core'; import { WalletConnectConnector } from '@web3-react/walletconnect-connector'; const walletconnect = new WalletConnectConnector({ rpc: { 1: process.env.REACT_APP_RPC_URL_1, 4: process.env.REACT_APP_RPC_URL_4 }, qrcode: true }) function WalletButton(props) { const { activateBrowserWallet, activate, deactivate, account } = useEthers(); useEffect(() => { const walletConnectSettings = localStorage.getItem("walletconnect"); if(walletConnectSettings) { if(JSON.parse(walletConnectSettings).connected === true) { activate(walletconnect); } } }, [activate]); const handleLogin = async () => { if(window.ethereum || window.web3) { activateBrowserWallet(); } else { activate(walletconnect); } } }
- Metamask connect button
- UseDApp
What are some alternatives?
create-react-native-dapp - Your next Ethereum application starts here. ⚛️ 💪 🦄
web3-react - A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
web-examples - Wallet and dapp examples implementing WalletConnect v2
metamask-extension - :globe_with_meridians: :electric_plug: The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
web3-react-wallet - Web3 React Wallet (WRW) is a wrapper around Web3 React (WR) library, and for frameworks derived from React like NextJS.
hardhat - Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.
MorpherWallet - Morpher Wallet is a recoverable, non-custodial wallet that runs directly in the browser. Needs zero installation and zero configuration as a keystore.
wagmi - Reactive primitives for Ethereum apps
create-eth-app - Create Ethereum-powered apps with one command
appkit - The full stack toolkit to build onchain app UX
connect-metamask-react-dapp - Build a simple React / Web3 Dapp that replicates a small portion of the Uniswap v2 interface