
MBC30-Flashcart | Gameboy-Camera-Flashcart | |
14 | 11 | |
100 | 113 | |
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0.0 | 5.0 | |
about 2 years ago | about 1 year ago | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
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My Toshinao Aoki tribute build!
Shell is cloud gaming store and label is nextstopplease. The board is hdr's design and those are not sellable sorry Link to hdr incase you want to make your own https://github.com/HDR/MBC30-Flashcart
Got my label printed :)
Indeed. I do have a few other flashcarts like this one from insideGadgets (which I use for Crystal Clear - another Gen 2 ROM hack) and an MBC30 cart designed by HDR that I built (I use this one for Pokemon Coral which is not a finished game yet). But those are expensive and I already had the Japanese carts sitting around so it made more sense to convert one of those for my Prism cart.
Newly Built HDR Flashcarts In Aluminum Shells
Ebay. These are the 2mb ones. You can spend more on 4mb ones (I used one of these to build an adapter for a crystal cart) but you're probably better off building a mbc30 cart with those.
Flash Pokémon Crystal hack rom on japanese pcb
I just did this mod using a TSOP adapter. You can also build your own PCB.
- N64-freak Pocket Color build
Slate Build complete! I am in love with this thing
That version on OSHPark seems to be outdated, newer versions are on github https://github.com/HDR/MBC30-Flashcart
Not the best at soldering, but I finally got around to replacing the battery on the Pokemon Crystal I got from ebay. Works like a charm.
I removed the original ROM chip and soldered a new AM29F016B (2mb) flash chip to a custom tsop flex adapter I then flashed the new chip using BennVenn’s Joey jr but there’s and compatible flashes out there that’ll do the same job. You don’t have to cannibalise a Jap cart as you can order an MBC30 DIY cart Otherwise you can flash the chip prior to soldering it on the board with a different programmer. Lots of options.
- Use MBC5 instead of MBC3 chip?
Looking for a DIY MBC1 flashcart project
MBC30:Github Repo
Help with ordering game cartridge PCB's
Insider gadgets is probably a great company, but way too expensive for what I can afford for a hobby atm (and they don't have any RTC carts available either). I found an open source alternative: https://github.com/HDR/MBC30-Flashcart
Newly Built HDR Flashcarts In Aluminum Shells
He actually developed a flashcart for the gb camera not too long ago.
Doing an HDR Gameboy Camera mod for my own personal use and having trouble with the lens. Swapped out the cable connector and sussed out its not the sensor board having issues. Anything standing out?
That's the name of the creator of the mod https://github.com/HDR/Gameboy-Camera-Flashcart
Game Boy Camera not working (shows vertical lines instead of the camera's output)
You're probably right, a deeper cleaning it is then. If all else fails, maybe I'll try to swap the components over to the GB Camera flash cart!
Just wanted to share, after lots of searching, haggling, and translating (of all things)... I finished a couple collections today. They aren't perfect, but they are mine.
I mean, you probably will have to for the shell, but I meant there is a camera flashcart design out there.
- Are there other Camera cartridges for the GB/C/A?
[USA] 4x Gameboy Camera Flashcart PCBs (unpopulated) ($3.30 USD) (MIC)
I'm the person that created these, you really don't want HASL finish, these won't work after a few insertions (not to mention that your console may have trouble reading games with repeat use of hasl finished carts), also please make sure you're aware of the Non Commercial License
I made a clear GB camera!
There sure is! HDR (Martin Refseth) has made some flash cart PCBs! Need to harvest parts from a working camera, however: https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Game_Boy_Camera_Flashcart___2x1MB___FRAM__.html
Custom pink Hello Kitty Game Boy Camera Flashcart
I'm still working on this but i'm getting close to releasing these as a DIY project over on [Github](https://github.com/HDR/Gameboy-Camera-Flashcart/)
The first open-source and fully standalone Game Boy Printer emulator.
Take a look at this: https://github.com/HDR/Gameboy-Camera-Flashcart
What are some alternatives?
GBA-LCD - Reverse engineered documentation on the Game Boy Advance(GBA) LCD Interface
NeoGB-Printer - An open-source and standalone Gameboy Printer emulator 100% compatible with all officially released games (110 in total) that support the accessory. Just print and save the images as BMP
MBC3-Flashcart - My own version of RetroReboot's MBC3 flashcart https://www.retroreboot.net/HTML/projectpage.html, please consider supporting him if you can https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/WadeVillines
MBC5-Flashcart - MBC5 Flashcart | 2x2MB or 4MB Flash | 32KB FRAM | Rumble
The-Arduino-SD-Game-Boy-Printer - Print everything you want with your Game Boy Printer !
AGS_LIPO - LiPo adapter for Game Boy Advance SP. Same concept as my AGB adapters: https://github.com/makhowastaken/AGB_LIPO
wifi-gbp-emulator - A GameBoy printer emulator which provides the received data over a wifi-connection.
CGZ - A circuit-level redesign of the Game Boy Color, adding modernized features to the original GBC
CH340C - Details for using the CH340C with a 328p
FLASH-ROM-Adapter-for-GameBoy - AM29F016 or AM29F032 flash memory adapter board to easily DIY a Game Boy flash cartridge