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:desktop_computer: A small, customizable and extensible MCU-class 32-bit RISC-V soft-core CPU and microcontroller-like SoC written in platform-independent VHDL.
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AXI4 Full, Lite, and AxiStream verification components. AXI4 Interface Master, Responder, and Memory verification components. AxiStream transmitter and receiver verification components
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
wb2axip discussion
wb2axip reviews and mentions
Simple skid buffer implementation
I've always been partial to my own skidbuffer article and implementation. (You'd expect me to be, they're my own ...) I get your point, though, about some applications needing a registered output. I've come across many, as requirements change from one project to the next. This is why, in my own implementation, I have parameters allowing me to adjust which implementation I'm using. In this case in particular, I have a parameter adjusting whether or not the output is registered. (The outgoing READY signal, though, is always registered--that's the point of the skid buffer in the first place, and what keeps it from being a regular buffer.)
Testing Axi Slaves in Simulation
Ref: [1], [2]
Looking to implimenting an autocorrelation function (ACF) into one of my projects.
Have you considered this article? It goes over the basics of the autocorrelation function, while also illustrating how you can build one with a Wishbone interface. Further, the Verilator logic for this function is kept and maintained on github here. Sure, it uses Wishbone. If you want to use AXI you can either use a bridge, or rework the the interface (it's not that hard ...).
Guys can u send me some github repositories on some simple project on system verilog with functionality like with couple functions ? Its my first reddit post in my life.
If this is what you want, though, then consider checking out the apply_wstrb function in my wb2axip repository. Perhaps the easyaxil might be the easiest one to start with.
Reference of verification IPs
The worst thing that can happen on a bus is a protocol error that causes the device to lock up. Sadly, such errors have been common when using AXI or AXI-Lite--especially since traditional "verification IP" bus models won't catch all circumstances. This is why I make a general (personal) rule that nothing should touch a bus unless it has been formally verified. This check basically guarantees that every bus request gets one (and only one) response. It's not sufficient to verify an IP fully, but it's a good start. You can find my formal verification models for AXI-Lite, Wishbone, and (to some extent) Avalon in this repository. I've also been known to make my full AXI model available to Patreon sponsors of my blog.
A simple AXI-Lite register file
As an experiment, I tried a formal first approach using u/ZipCPU's faxil_slave.v.
- AXI-Lite register bank revisited
Xilinx FIFO generator for skid buffer?
Can a FIFO be generated to use the AXI stream protocol? Absolutely! Check out this FIFO: - S_AXIS_VALID can be fed to the write port, i_wr - S_AXIS_READY is the compliment of the FIFO full output, o_full - S_AXIS_DATA can be fed to the incoming data port, i_data - M_AXIS_VALID is the compliment of the FIFO empty output, o_emtpy - M_AXIS_READY can be fed directly to the read port, i_rd - M_AXIS_DATA can be read directly from the outgoing data port, o_data - If you want to support other AXI Stream signals, they can simply be concatenated with the data signals above.
Connecting custom IP to microblaze
I recently connected my own IP to a Microblaze core via the AXI-lite interface. Vivado has a tool to generate AXI IP, but it's broken so I used this implementation of an AXI-lite slave. It comes with some registers that'll be accessible in the processors address space. Here is a more detailed explanation of the linked implementation.
Implement Synchronous FWFT FIFO in BRAM
Here's an example of an FWFT FIFO written in a vendor independent fashion. Yes, it requires a bit of wizardry to get right--primarily in how the read address is calculated, but I've used it for years now and it's held up nicely for me.
A note from our sponsor - CodeRabbit | 10 Nov 2024
The primary programming language of wb2axip is Verilog.