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Utoipa Alternatives
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Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
The AsyncAPI specification allows you to create machine-readable definitions of your asynchronous APIs. (by asyncapi)
Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
Pydantic model and dataclasses.dataclass generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources.
Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API
Version 4.x of the OpenAPI Specification is known as "Moonwalk," and has a goal to ship in 2024.
A server implementation in Rust that integrates with the Tower ecosystem and the Tokio stack.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
utoipa discussion
utoipa reviews and mentions
What's everyone working on this week (23/2023)?
In case you didn't know is really nice to generate openapi spec and have a swagger!
OpenAPI v4 Proposal
play-swagger [2] for scala + play. They generate a significant portion of your spec for you, then a client can be generated from the spec.
REST API in RUST with ntex
Announcing utoipa 3.0.0, one year anniversary release - Compile time OpenAPI library for Rust
Latest release notes:
- New Tokio blog post: Announcing axum 0.6.0
Using Rust at a Startup: A Cautionary Tale
I've written a few backend APIs with rust and I have to disagree. Not only have the frameworks managed to get the ergonomics similar to your popular GC lang[0][1], the natural lack of shared mutable state of HTTP handlers means you very rarely have to encounter lifetimes and a lot of the language's advanced features. What's more, now when I go back to work with other languages, I can't help but notice the significant number of unit tests I'd not have had to write in Rust. It doesn't have a Rails and Django but it's an easy pick over anything at the language level.
A note on performance, Rust's the only langauge where I haven't had the need to update my unit test harnesses to `TRUNCATE` data base data instead of creating a separate db per test on PostgresSQL.
I'll also like to mention the gem that is SQLx[1]. As someone who's never been satisfied with ORMs, type checked SQL queries that auto-populate your custom types is revolutionary. With the error-prone langauge-SQL boundary covered, I was surprised just how good it can get making use of the builtin PostgreSQL features. Almost to the point that amount of effort the community's put to building great tools like Prisma.js and feel like a fool's errand (at least so for PosgreSQL).
Book Review: Zero To Production In Rust
Going to strongly disagree here. This isn't necessary in most cases. You likely do not need to test actix-web. actix-web already has more tests than you can possibly think of for exercising its correctness. So why do you need to black-box test it? Further, if your concern is an API client integrating with the API, use code generation not tests to ensure correctness! Generate your clients from a spec generated from your types! I recommend Swagger/OpenAPI or JSON Schema. Here's a nice library for doing this:
Web frameworks with integrated Open API?
utoipa: supports most popular frameworks
Announcing utoipa 2.0.0, long awaited release - Compile time OpenAPI + Swagger UI
Something like that is planned in future releases. There is a closed discussion in Github and traits for this already exists but the derive implementaiton is yet to be done.
okapi-operation - procedural macro for generating OpenAPI operation definitions
Those tags next function parameters look cool. Do you maybe know a crate Utoipa and could share differences between the two crates for those who want to quickly compare them? I've been using utoipa but also I've been following the discussion on Axum's repo about OpenAPI integration in hope for something more comfortable to write. Taking a quick peek they seem very similar but I'm guessing the approach is slightly different?
A note from our sponsor - InfluxDB | 12 Sep 2024
juhaku/utoipa is an open source project licensed under Apache License 2.0 which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of utoipa is Rust.